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death metal like Slayer and King Diamond. Later, we became
a couple.
One night, he showed me a satanic bible. He said that
Satanism centers around pleasing self, which I thought was
strange. He said that’s why birthdays are the most important
date to Satanists. I understand now that some people who
label themselves as Satanists can be agnostic or atheists and
do not claim to worship Lucifer. However, some do, so it
seems to depend on who you ask.
Later in our relationship, I attended a Flotsam and
Jetsam and King Diamond concert with him and
approximately five or six of his friends. I was waiting in the
front row close to the stage with the guys. Someone had told
me that I would not want to be there when the band came
out. They said I'd get hurt. I told them I could handle it, but
I was wrong. As soon as the first guitar note sounded, I was
shoved into a metal bar that separated me from the stage. I
couldn’t breathe for a few seconds. I then felt someone
kicking me in the head with their combat boots. I was
thankful when one of Hank's friends pulled me out of the
crowd, handed me a grape Blow-Up Pop, and sat down with
me on a couch.
We sat and watched young boys and men angrily run
around hitting each other yelling “death” and “pain”! These
guys were hurting each other for fun, and I didn’t understand
why. The show became grotesque when King Diamond came