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P. 32
I later broke up with Curt, and he moved out. I was
planning on moving to San Antonio to live with my daughter,
but right before that Steve and I became involved. Neither
one of us had talked about becoming a couple or about the
future, and I was determined to move. My employer was
allowing me to transfer to their San Antonio office, so I found
a small one-bedroom apartment in the same complex as my
parents. Nicole moved in with me. She was three years old. I
loved being near my family!
Steve visited. During one visit, he asked me to ride to
Houston for the weekend, so my mom watched Nicole. It was
during that time that our son Nick was conceived. Shortly
after, my parents moved back to Houston because my dad
had taken a position. I decided to move back with them. As a
result, Nicole and I began spending more time with Steve. I
quickly rented an apartment for the three of us. My mom
watched Nicole while I worked. I gave birth to Nick when I
was twenty-two. Nicole was four.