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P. 34
Strange things began happening though. I began
having severe sleep paralysis in that apartment. I began
reading a book on the paranormal to find an explanation,
which seemed to make me feel worse inside. Then one night
while lying in bed, I felt like something was hovering over my
body. It then felt like something powerful yanked my spirit
right out of my body and swung it around in circles over the
bed. I could sense the evil. I was able to look down and see
my physical body next to Steve's in the bed. It then felt like I
was thrown back into my physical body. I was terrified! I
continued to suffer from sleep paralysis for years.
However, the kids and I had good times in that
apartment even before Steve came back. I used to love it
when Nick would have us stand in front of the TV, hold
hands, and sing "I Love You," by Barney. He loved Barney.
He loved family time. He was an energetic, happy child.
Nicole was quieter and extremely observant. She liked to
know what we adults were doing, and enjoyed being with us,
but she also loved playing outside with her best friend,
Sammy. Once Steve moved in, we spent a lot of time
barbecuing, swimming, or just hanging out and talking with
Sam, Charlotte, and Bobby.
Steve and I went to Mardi Gras in Galveston a couple
of times. I remember reading an article while returning home
that said that Mardi Gras was a Catholic celebration about
indulging before Lent. The article suggested that it was okay
to sin before Lent, which I thought was strange. I wasn't a