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depleted after the long work days, especially when I had to
work overtime.
By the time I reached twenty-seven, my focus had
turned to Jesus Christ when I had heard the famous song,
“Jesus Freak” by DC Talk. I remember thinking DC Talk was
cool for playing a song about loving Jesus. It was refreshing
to hear because it was focused on Jesus Christ, not religion. I
enjoyed the song so much that I asked my mother if we could
go to a Billy Graham event where DC Talk would be playing.
I had no idea who Billy Graham was, but we went. We both
enjoyed it. I remember when Billy Graham asked if we
wanted to give our lives to Jesus Christ (I’m not sure if he
phrased it that way verbatim), I didn’t hesitate to get out of
my chair and walk down the aisle believing that I was giving
my life to Christ. I did not seek Jesus Christ through His
teachings in the Bible, or even read the Bible. I had thought
that something would change in my life from just walking
down the aisle, but it didn't, at least not then.
Steve and I got back together at some point, but I
broke up with him for good in 1999, at the age of twenty-
nine. After my breakup with Steve, I was tested for Attention
Deficit Disorder (ADD) and was prescribed Adderall. It
seemed to help me focus and have more motivation, which in
7 Steve and I have both moved on with our lives, but we do 'check in'
with each other occasionally to see how everyone is doing.