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P. 40

I had begun abusing the Adderall a little because it

                                would wear off early leaving me feeling tired and
                                unmotivated. For the most part, any time that I was awake, I
                                was on Adderall. I felt like I needed it to be a better mother,
                                business owner, house-cleaner, and friend. Plus, my
                                psychiatrist felt like I needed it, and I agreed.

                                       I thought it was a supplement to help me function like
                                normal women. In my eyes, most women seemed to be like
                                superwoman compared to me. I was lethargic and
                                unmotivated without it, and sadly I wasn’t even close to
                                superwoman with it. I was just trying to survive with the goal
                                of meeting the status quo, which seemed impossible. I would

                                have loved to finish college  but could never stick with it.
                                Between financial issues, workload, kids, and my energy
                                level, it wasn’t happening. I sadly accepted that I was not an
                                accomplished woman. I hadn’t even finished Paralegal

                                school to get my certificate due to a financial issue, and I only
                                had one more semester.

                                       Unlike many people in sales, money did not drive me.
                                I didn’t have this huge desire for material things but would
                                try  to have that desire hoping that it would fuel me into
                                wanting to sell more plans. Of course, I did need and want to

                                earn money to pay bills, but I didn’t want “stuff” bad enough.
                                The motivation came from it being a good product that would
                                help others. I stayed depressed and asked myself if being
                                happy was the purpose of life. At that time, I thought it was.
                                So, I tried to find out what would make me happy. I later

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