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was her biological father. However, since I married Anthony
while I was pregnant with Hank’s baby, Anthony was the
legal father of Hank’s baby. I finally told Hank that I was
pregnant. I also told him that I believed it would best to place
her for open adoption considering all the circumstances. I
wanted her raised in a safe, stable, and healthy environment,
and so he reluctantly agreed. It was a difficult decision for
both of us. I interviewed a very nice couple and chose them
to be the adoptive parents.
During this time, I worked with a lady who was sweet,
supportive, and encouraging. I remember her being a
Christian. She was different than other people. I wanted to
go to church with her, but the company we worked for went
out of business and we lost touch. I will never forget her
kindness though. She helped me have hope when I was
struggling emotionally.
In September, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I
was nineteen year’s old. Hank came to visit us in the hospital.
I didn’t want to let her go. Nadia was beautiful. Her adoptive
mother was waiting for me to give Nadia to her but then went
downstairs to give me some alone time. I knew there was no
turning back. I had already signed papers. I was holding
Nadia in my arms while my mom or dad wheeled me out of
the hospital exit to the adoptive mother’s vehicle. I handed
the adoptive mother my daughter and felt like a part of me
had been ripped out, but I knew she’d give her more than I