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P. 50
sure it had something to do with me trying to will away
someone's husband with my thoughts. The deception was
that the visions that I would see looked nice, so it seemed
righteous, but it wasn't because God would not approve of
adultery. So, the visions were not from God, but I was double-
minded; conflicted.
Even worse, I began hearing a voice who claimed to be
John and sounded like John. He would remind me of all
these things that we did together. He would tell me that he
could listen to my thoughts and that we could communicate
like this. This entity could hear any thought that I had. I
didn’t have to open my mouth to speak. Conversations would
go on in my mind all night long. I could hear his thoughts in
my head and his voice externally coming from the air. It was
like having a conversation with a person physically present.
A lot of interaction, laughing about good times together. He
apologized for lying. He would tell me that he was beside me
on my bed. I didn’t know what to think. How did this voice
know specific details about John that I would have never
remembered? How did this voice know a lot about me and
my kids? Sometimes when the voice would say something off
the wall, I was sure it was John. It seemed pure and true, but
it was a deceiver.
At home one day, I heard what I will call “John's voice”
coming from the living room stereo. I was stunned and froze.