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and deception, which prevent a person in bondage from
walking outside of the circle of madness. Your thoughts go in
circles like a mad dog chasing his or her tail. I prayed for God
to please help me find the church. I eventually made it and
found the priest that I had talked to over the phone. He took
me into a little room. I told him everything that was
happening to me. The priest said that by meditating under
severe distress and without God’s protection, I had opened a
door and invited demons in. I agreed, and I still felt that the
“mental illness” was a spiritual problem, like the priest said,
“demons I had invited in.” He said that he could perform a
minor exorcism though.
The priest took me into a chapel, anointed my
forehead with oil, and held a crucifix against it. He then
began praying. I only heard one voice throughout this whole
ordeal saying that if I did not stop the priest, the entity would
snap my “… neck.” This was constantly repeated. I felt like I
was in a trance. The priest had done all he could, but nothing
changed. The priest gave me a book that I never read because
the dog I had been watching for a friend tore it up when I got
home. He said it was about a woman who went through the
same thing and pulled through. The priest went on to tell me
that sometimes these things happen to Christians because
God has a special plan for their lives, and He wants them to
serve His purpose. It almost seemed like the priest was telling
me that this was some kind of test. The priest handed me a
Bible, and he blessed a crucifix for me to take home.