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P. 70
Also, I once heard a voice tell me that my maternal
grandmother was going to die and that I was going to be
Satan’s bride. I also heard my mom’s voice yell at me. I
was still learning that demons can imitate anyone's voice.
They also have a lot of knowledge about our lives and
families, but they lie and try to reel people in with half-truths,
so that they can gain some control over people's thoughts.
This type of behavior is also carried out in the physical realm
through the deceptive behavior and words of people and
deceptive philosophies.
Out of desperation, I began going through every single
prayer the priest gave me. I would hear voices cussing,
complaining, telling me to stop, and saying, “She’s talking
about us, let’s go,” but they would never leave. After reading
every single prayer the priest gave me, I would begin to pray
the rosary. I would always hear, “Not again!” “Jesus
Christ!” This was the first time that it had occurred to me
that people say, “Jesus Christ” as a curse word, just like
these demons. They didn’t curse anyone else. Neither does
Hollywood when making movies. I assume His name is used
because Jesus Christ is God, and the demons know it. Also, I
noticed that the demons did not care if I used Mary’s name.
At one point, I had also tried using holy water to ward off the
12 This took place back in 2006. Both of my grandmothers passed away
in early 2017. This proves that the entities were wanting to scare me
with lies.