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P. 75

voices, I asked my mom and dad to please pray the rosary

                                with me. We did, and my parents fell asleep. While they were
                                sleeping, my mouth opened, and I began praying what
                                seemed to be the rosary at a high-rate of speed. My mouth
                                began moving so fast that I could not understand the prayers.
                                It was like someone else was using my mouth. I found a Bible

                                in the hotel room and slept with it under my pillow. I was so
                                happy that my parents were there with me though!

                                       The next morning, I told my parents that I did not
                                want to live in that house anymore. I thought it was haunted.
                                I wanted to move. They decided to allow some friends of mine
                                to move in and rent it from them. I called my friend Shelly.

                                She said that I could live with her as long as I needed. My
                                parents and I went to my house to start packing and moving.
                                I could hardly function

                                       As soon as I walked into my bedroom, approximately
                                twenty or more voices started talking to me. It was

                                overwhelming. One was telling me to hurt myself with some
                                scissors, but I knew better. I wondered about people who
                                would harm themselves or others because they heard voices,
                                as if they didn’t know it was wrong, or that it would cause
                                harm. I was thankful I hadn’t reached that point. I couldn’t

                                take the noise, so I went outside and stood in the front yard
                                and prayed while I threw up what I had believed to be
                                demons. The taste was dreadful, but I had thought that God
                                was removing the demons from my body. This was a trick. No
                                demon was leaving, and if he or she was, he or she was

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