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P. 74
told him to stay with his wife and children, and what we did
was wrong. I then prayed for John and Dina. I prayed that
they would work their problems out and stay together. It
appeared that it was angels who intervened that night and
told others to let me sleep. I got to sleep again.
Another night, my parents were coming into town to
bring my son back to me so that I could take him back to his
dad’s house. I told them that I would wait for them at a
grocery store parking lot. I never told them what was going
on. By the time they got there, I had my car seat all the way
back and felt like my body was cooking. I felt more pain than
ever. I had heard aliens telling me that they were about to kill
me, but before that, other aliens had been claiming they
would fight “demon butt.” It was all so strange. I could smell
my body cooking. There was no way that I could get up out of
the car to walk on my own. I felt like I was in a trance. It was
a good that my son wasn't living with me. My parents pulled
up and were horrified to find me in that condition. They got
me out of my car and put me in the back seat of their truck,
and we all took my son home. I left my car in the grocery store
parking lot.
I told my parents that I was told by the voices to stay
away from my house, and to live somewhere else. My parents
checked us into a hotel room. I went outside to smoke a
cigarette and prayed again for John and Dina’s marriage. I
could hear Dina thanking me for praying for them. I went
back into the hotel room, but because I could still hear other