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P. 69
Chapter Ten
Fighting Back. Another Round Lost.
I DROVE A black Sebring convertible. I remember putting
the top down even when it was 40 degrees outside because
the demon complained about the cold. He would tell me that
I was starting to make him mad (not in those words) and to
put the top up. I became furious and started talking back and
doing everything that I knew would upset him. I was hoping
he would get sick of it and leave. I handled this the wrong
way. I brought on even more harassment by behaving this
way and fighting a battle that was not mine to fight.
Things were getting more bizarre, so I had this idea to
try to record what was going on in the house, but when I
turned on my tape cassette recorder, it busted and left a
burnt smell in the air. Also, there seemed to be pockets of
cool air in my room. I had believed those were portals for
aliens to travel. At times, I could hear two people having a
conversation inside my stomach, and it felt like transmitters
were running up and down my legs. Also, I would listen to
my thoughts accelerate, slow down, and then return to an
average rate. I could also feel entities playing with my hair.