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P. 66
because of the voices and because I had severe anxiety.
Sometimes it would take over ten minutes to place an
envelope in the printer. My hands would shake, and I felt
uncomfortable in my own skin.
One time I heard a voice instruct me to tell my non-
messianic Jewish boss that Jesus Christ did exist. My boss
already knew my beliefs, and I knew his. I did not follow the
voice's instructions. I also understand that was Satan trying
to make me start trouble with my boss. It would have looked
bad being that I was not right in my mind. I bet the enemy
does that a lot to try to make people who claim to be a
Christian look bad.
On a work break, I went outside to smoke a cigarette.
I heard a voice tell me to jump off the balcony. I realized that
I had to get to the church that performed exorcisms as soon
as possible! I left a message asking the priest if he could visit
with me after I got off work. At the end of the workday, I
drove to a parking lot and waited for the priest to call me
back. I could barely drive. The voices were telling me that I’d
better not see the priest and go to that church. They said they
were going to keep me from getting there.
The priest finally called to let me know he would meet
with me. The voices were so loud and distracting that it took
an hour just to figure out that I had been driving around in
circles. I kept recognizing the same streets that I had already
passed. The enemy likes to keep people in a wilderness of lies