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P. 61
I couldn’t pull myself up. I felt so drugged. My mind
felt like something powerful was controlling it. Everything
was in slow motion. The voices were slow and thick. They
demanded answers to all their questions. Again, I began to
respond and answer their questions with my thoughts.
Worse, my brain and skin began to feel like they were on fire.
It sounded and smelled like I was being cooked. I could hear
horrible crackling and sizzling noises coming from my head.
The intense burning in my arms and intense sensations in my
feet began moving up and throughout my body. These
sensations had occurred on a regular basis but were worse
this night.
I was dizzy and felt hypnotized. I could hear different
kinds of evil chanting throughout the night. I tried not to
focus on the words. I had wished that I could sit up and blow
out the red candle. I could still hear Dina and John fighting.
Then Larry told me that John and Dina could not only hear
my voice but could hear Larry's, as well. He asked me why I
had kept going back to John after finding out that he was
married. I would answer with my thoughts (because I was
trying not to speak at all), and then I'd hear my voice tell
John and Dina almost the truth of what I had thought. The
strange thing was my words were twisted around.
For instance, in my thoughts, I was saying that I loved
John. I would hear Larry tell John and Dina that he would let
them listen to me, but then I would hear my own voice say, “I
don't love John.” “I never loved John.” Listening to my own