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Chapter Eight

                                               Wilderness of Madness

                                IT WAS BEGINNING to get late. The white candle had nearly
                                burned all the way down, so it was time to light the red one.

                                I had no idea what this meant or what I was doing, but it
                                made things worse. To try to get some rest that night, I had
                                taken a few Benadryl, but that did not help. I was about to
                                experience a horrible night.
                                       There was so much going on at one time. The voices

                                never stopped. Ever. It was constant, and there were many.
                                Different pitches and tones. There was not a moment’s peace.
                                I was still being reminded that I didn’t know who I was
                                messing with, and Dina’s voice would still ring loudly in my

                                ears calling me names and threatening me. I then began
                                hearing John’s voice fighting with Dina, accompanied by
                                sharp sensations that would begin in my feet and then move
                                up and throughout my body. The fights between John and
                                Dina were terrible. I heard all kinds of things that I did not
                                want to hear. Later, I was introduced to a new loud and scary


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