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P. 57
I heard a second voice that chilled every bone in
my body. The voice was loud, clear, not too deep,
but I knew it…I can’t believe this is happening to
It wasn't long before I heard another voice. I'll call it,
“Dina.” Her voice was very loud and angry. I could feel
someone’s breath on my face while hearing this voice scream,
“You stole my husband from me, you …! I’m going to kick
your…!” “You don’t know who you are messing with!” I could
hear this voice over my kids, over the voices of people
standing around me at work, and over the music on the radio.
Dina’s voice would scream at me on a regular basis. I would
also smell baby lotion. She would ask if I could smell her and
John’s baby girl. Most of the time she would constantly
remind me that I didn’t know who I was messing with.