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hear my voice scream - I wasn’t really screaming – I didn’t

                                really believe I was going to Hell then, but I knew that I never
                                wanted to go because it had to be much worse than what was
                                already happening.

                                       I knew Larry was playing some massive mind games.
                                I would hear my voice get in arguments with Dina's voice

                                then I’d listen to her say, “I didn’t really say that.” So, Dina’s
                                “voice” seemed upset that she was hearing her voice telling
                                me lies. Dina would then question me about my love for John
                                again. She would tell me to marry him right now. Then she’d
                                start our wedding vows for us. She asked John if he would,
                                “take this woman to be his lawfully wedded wife…” and he

                                would say, “yes,” then she would change her mind and decide
                                that she didn’t want me to marry John. All the sudden
                                everything got quiet. Then I heard what I had believed were
                                angels telling the other voices to be quiet and to let me sleep

                                for the night. I heard John say, “I love you.” Then I heard
                                what I thought were the angels again quietly tell John to let
                                me sleep. I was happy to be able to sleep. Sometimes I would
                                hear another voice to the left of my ear tell me that John loves
                                me very much but was not yet ready to let go of Dina. I could

                                feel this entity breathe on my left cheek every time he spoke.
                                God would not approve of trying to take someone’s husband.
                                God also wouldn’t use deception or witchcraft. I believe this
                                voice was a deceiver wrapped up in what seems nice or sweet,

                                but God's Word shows God's character.

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