Page 10 - Nuts and Bolts
P. 10

Being Social
        Please recognize that you are responsible for anything that you write or present online, including on social media
        sites. You will be held accountable by Snooze for any type of commentary, content, or images that are perceived as
        an inappropriate representation of our business. Action taken by Snooze with regards to social media posting can and
        will include termination when appropriate – so be smart about it!

        We encourage you to join the social media world and, if you feel it’s appropriate, identify yourself as a Snoozer. As
        an integral part of our company, we kindly ask that you respect our general guidelines:
                Show common decency and respect. Don’t use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, or engage in any
                conduct that would not be acceptable in any of our Snooze restaurants.
                Snoozers are personally responsible for the content they publish on social networks, blogs or any other form
                of user-generated media. Remember that what you publish will be there forever! Be aware of your association
                with Snooze in social networks: if you identify yourself as a Snoozer, ensure your profile and related content
                are consistent with how you wish to present yourself.
                When you participate in social media networks you must use your personal email address. Your Snooze-
                issued email (if applicable) is not to be used for social media sites and is for Snooze-related activity only.
                Don’t provide or post Snooze or Snooze partner’s confidential or proprietary information. Please don’t
                publish or report on conversations that are meant to be private or internal to Snooze.
                Refrain from identifying guests/partners or making comments related to guests/vendors; using Snooze logos
                without prior written authorization; making defamatory comments about specific Snoozers.
                If a blogger or any other online participant posts an inaccurate, accusatory, or negative comment about
                Snooze or a Snoozer, please do not respond to the post on behalf of Snooze. However, please do inform your
                manager or a Mothershipper.
                Even if you don’t identify yourself as a Snoozer, your activity on social media sites must remain positive and
                appropriate when involving Snooze. Avoid hostile content as well as controversial subjects including politics,
                sex, religion, or offensive language.
            In short, when and if you decide to mention that you work for Snooze, we ask that you follow the Golden Rule:
            Do unto others as you would desire to have done to you.  If you are questioning posting something, get a
            second opinion on whether or not it’s a good idea before you post.

        Snooze Trade Secrets

        The protection of Snooze’s confidential information, trade secrets, recipes and global domination plans are essential
        to the wellbeing of Snooze, as well as all Snoozers’ future security.  Each Snoozer is required to sign a separate
        confidentiality agreement, but in short we ask that all Snoozers adhere to the following procedures:

        Snoozers may not disclose any proprietary or confidential company trade secrets or other potentially competitively
        sensitive company information to sources outside Snooze.  Some examples of this type of information include, but
        are not limiting it to, recipes, sales figures, mergers, sales or acquisitions, or any information not generally known to
        the public.  No information regarding Snoozers can be given to anyone who calls or appears at our restaurants.
        People requesting this info should be directed to the Snooze Leadership.

        Any Snoozer who discloses trade secrets or confidential information is subject to disciplinary action up to and
        including termination.  If you are in doubt about the potential confidential nature of information that you are
        considering revealing to a source outside of our company, please contact your direct manager for clarification.
        *Please also see Snoozer Inventions in the General Book of Know How.

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