Page 5 - Nuts and Bolts
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The Foundation is a 501 c3 so all donations are tax deductible. Yay! In the untimely event that something may
happen to a Snoozer, an immediate family member, or pet, this fund can award a tax-free monetary gift to the
Snoozer that is affected. This process is confidential and easy to access when in need. Please remember, we’re all in
this together! For more information on the Snooze Compass Foundation ask your manager!
Health Insurance
Snooze is proud of the benefits program offered to full-time Snoozers. We are thrilled to offer health insurance
coverage that includes medical, dental and vision care benefits.
Eligibility Requirements:
Snooze managers are eligible for health insurance benefits the first of the month after 30 days of employment at
All non-management Snoozers become eligible for health insurance when meeting the following criteria:
Celebrated a 1-year anniversary with Snooze
Worked the equivalent of 30 hours per week on average, or 130 hours per month, during the 12-month
Once you qualify to participate in the Snooze health insurance plan, you will receive a plan booklet and enrollment
form from People Team at the Mothership.
Day to Day Steps for Success
Schedules…Hot, Hot Schedules
Snooze utilized the Hot Schedules platform for all FOH and HOH scheduling. We create schedules two weeks in
advance and changes of shifts and requests off happen via the Hot Schedules platform. All schedules should be
available no less than 10 days in advance of the start of the week (Wednesday). If there are any schedule errors or
conflicts, you are responsible for alerting the manager in charge of your schedule and seeing to it that these errors are
Snooze Gear (a.k.a. uniform)
Snooze aims to have the coolest gear around, along with providing a comfortable and relaxed persona. It’s your job
to report to work freshly groomed and in standard Snooze dress. Your Snooze gear must be clean and generally
wrinkle-free. Your overall appearance must be professional, with no exceptions. If your manager believes your
attire/appearance does not meet our expectations, we reserve the right to request a change in attire.
FOH Gear
While subject to change, Snooze gear while working in the Front of House is considered a Snooze t-shirt,
pants/shorts with back pockets (ie. Jeans, colored jeans, cargo shorts) and certified slip resistant shoes both fun and
reasonable for the work being performed. Hair that is longer than chin length must we worn back and contained.
Facial hair must always be neatly groomed. Upon hire Snooze will provide you with your first Snooze shirt and
service apron and will replace if they become worn or torn.
*Stud earrings and minimal jewelry allowed. If color or acrylic nails are worn they must be chip free!
HOH Gear
While subject to change, Snooze gear while working in the Heart of House is considered a clean t-shirt, kitchen
approved pants, certified slip resistant shoes, clean apron and hair restraint (hat, bandana, hairnet, etc.) All facial hair
must be neatly groomed and if longer than ¼ inch it must be contained by a beard/facial hairnet. When you are
hired as a heart of house Snoozer, Snooze provides you with your first Snooze shirt and hat and will replace if they
become worn or torn. Clean aprons will be made available daily.