Page 7 - Nuts and Bolts
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Unexcused No Call/No Show Absence – Simply not showing up for a scheduled shift and making no effort to
        contact the manager.

        Circumstances may arise where an incident falls within the grey of these areas, in which case it is at the discretion of
        the manager on duty to take the appropriate action.

        The Goal:  If you can’t make it to your scheduled shift, call your teammates to cover.  If your teammates can’t
        provide that coverage, get your management team involved!  Communicate any issues and we will do everything in
        our power to come to a conclusion, together!

        Disciplinary Actions…the Not So Good Stuff!

        As a Snoozer, you’re required to abide by certain rules and procedures established to protect you, the business, the
        ambience and the order established.  If these rules and procedures are not observed, Snooze reserves the right to take
        the disciplinary actions it feels is appropriate.

        Disciplinary action, if necessary, will be based on evaluation of the offense, the circumstances and your past
        performance.  Disciplinary actions can include a verbal warning, written warning, probation (Performance
        Improvement Plans), suspension in the case of an internal investigation, and/or termination.  If the offence is
        deemed serious enough, a Snoozer can be terminated without warning.

        When an infraction occurs, a manager will give you a written warning, documented through a coaching sheet.
        Coaching Sheet: A disciplinary coaching sheet will contain the following information (coaching sheets can be used
        for good as well):
            1.  Date, time and details of the incident.
            2.  Proposed resolution from teammate and management.
            3.  Consequences of a failure to correct the behavior.
        If you receive a coaching session, you will be counseled and asked to sign the warning.  Your signature verifies that
        you received the coaching sheet with a verbal explanation and an opportunity for a written response.

        Multiple coaching sheets within your time of employment could result in a formal written warning with appropriate
        disciplinary action associated.  These actions can include a probationary period and/or involuntary termination.
        However, please keep in mind, your manager can give you extra credit assignments to influence your continued
        development past a written warning.

        Providing a Safe, Snoozy Environment

        Alcohol, Dealing with Intoxication, and Off-Duty Drinks
        Most breakfast style eateries don’t offer the option of alcoholic beverages, and it’s certainly not for everyone.
        However, we feel that having the option to responsibly partake in creative, craft morning cocktails can enhance a
        breakfast experience like an exquisite latte or fresh, locally grown produce.  With this added benefit to our guests
        comes responsibility.  Every Snoozer is responsible for ensuring our guests are safe and the law is adhered
        It is important for all front-of-the-house Snoozers to recognize signs of intoxication. Below are a few side effects of
        alcohol consumption:

         Drowsiness                   Glassy eyes                 Loud, argumentative      Drinking too fast

         CONFIDENTIAL                                                                                 Rev 10.18
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