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Snooze Nuts & Bolts

                                            HR For One and All- October 2018

        Welcome to Snooze, we are happy you are here! The purpose of this document is to welcome you to your
        Snooze experience. Please read the contents of it carefully and keep it handy for future reference.  One of
        your first responsibilities is to be familiar with the contents of this document. These are the common
        procedures we request you to follow while you are a part of our team.  If you are interested in reading our
        entire General Book of Know How (and we suggest that you do), it is available to review in the restaurant
        and it can be presented to you through email; ask your manager. Please take in the information below,
        digest it, and seek answers to your questions.  We are so excited to introduce you to the fabulous world of

        All Snoozers are employees-at-will, and your employment with Snooze may be terminated at any time for
        any or no reason by yourself or by Snooze.  Acknowledgement of receipt of the Nuts and Bolts is not a
        contract, either express or implied; the nuts and bolts supersede all previous versions and prior verbal
        comments of management; the provisions and summaries and are not all-inclusive; and Snooze may alter
        provisions without notice.

        Snooze is a dynamic and growing company with Snoozers working in multiple locations. A single
        handbook may not account for the individual variances required by state and local law. Where state or local
        law conflicts with any provision of this handbook, the state or local law will take precedent.  If you have any
        questions about how state or local law might impact any guideline or benefit, please contact your manager.

        The Good Stuff…Benefits to You!

        Snooze aims to provide a work environment and quality of life rivaling or surpassing any other restaurant out there.
        Our goal is in creating a place you want to be, you feel good, can be open and honest with other Snoozers, make
        great money and have a great time along the way.  In addition to what is listed below, please review the Snooze
        Holidays and Vacation Program for additional benefits.

        Paid, Cash Dollars
        Pay periods are weekly beginning on Wednesday of the pay period and ends on Tuesday.
        Snooze pays our Snoozers weekly, with automatic deposit or a paper check deposited every Thursday.  The pay is for
        the week prior, not the immediately completed week. For example, if you started Wednesday March 5  you would

        receive your first paycheck Thursday March 20 .

        Snooze encourages direct deposit, but you can elect to receive a paper check if you that suits your fancy. Keep in
        mind paper checks are processed in Tennessee and have, on occasion, gotten stuck there due to inclement weather.

        Time Tracking
        Under no circumstances is a Snoozer permitted to clock in for another Snoozer.  Every Snoozer is responsible for
        clocking in at the beginning of each shift and clocking out upon the completion of each shift.  If you forget to clock
        in or out, notify a manager on duty.  Submit in writing your arrival and/or departure time(s) and the manager will

         CONFIDENTIAL                                                                                 Rev 10.18
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