Page 20 - HACCP One-Sheeters
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Snooze Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Management
The Why? There’s no “I” in TEAM
When we welcome Guests into ALL Snoozers are responsible for helping to keep restaurants clean and pest-
Snooze, we make certain that free. Snoozers must report pest-y sightings & equipment/structural concerns.
our restaurants are shiny, clean If pests, waste, or equipment failures ever compromise food safety and quality,
and inviting. We want our be sure to properly investigate, and record the issues on the CAPA log.
equipment - used to store and Keep floors and surfaces
cook Guests’ delicious food - to clean and free of crumbs
be up & runnin’ at all times. and food, and eliminate
And of course, we never want to clutter in storage areas
see Creepy Crawlers (a.k.a. Keep pests from entering Practice every day to keep
PESTS) at Snooze! So, we gotta the facility by keeping doors Creepy Crawlers Away!
keep our waste in check. All of and other exterior openings
these things are vital to Guest tightly closed. Seal up those
safety and a Snoozy breakfast cracks! Check deliveries for
experience! Keep dumpster lids closed
Quarterback Sneak Pre-vent Defense and outside waste areas Hut, hut, (take a) HIKE!
Routine or emergency maintenance Remove any standing water, Licensed Pest Control Contractors
activities should ONLY be performed food or grease buildup (EcoLab) will provide a list of “target
by TRAINED workers (either qualified Do not leave dirty dishes or pests” specific to each Snooze
Snoozers or approved contractors who open food containers out restaurant. EcoLab will educate
have signed the Visitors Log). Before Snoozers about best practices to
fixin’ anything, be sure all safeguards overnight prevent these pests from entering the
are in place. Is the equipment de- Empty all waste bins restaurant, and how to rid the pests
energized and properly locked/tagged regularly (to prevent from Snooze (if they gain access).
out? Do you have personal protective overflow) and at the end of Remember, we don’t store any
equipment? Is the area secure from each day pesticides/rodenticides within our
unauthorized entry? restaurants!
Hail Mary Maintenance The walk-in is reading 50° in Tacklin’ Trash When removing trash, recycling Illegal Formation Be on the lookout for:
Damaged or unsanitary floors,
and compost material from
the middle of Sunday rush?!
walls, ceilings, furniture
FOH, HOH, restrooms, storage
Sometimes repairs can’t wait
Inadequate/broken seals on
& break areas, be careful that
until after 2:30PM! Be sure to
doors, windows, openings
the bins or liners aren’t leaking.
Condensation in ventilation
adequately protect food and
You don’t wanna attract pests,
surfaces from chemical,
cross-contaminate (pathogens)
Presence of ice/snow on
biological and physical
or cross-contact (allergens).
contamination. Keep tabs on
Never collect trash in empty
Immediately remedy issues.
tools, and clean up before
food boxes/crates, and use
resuming operations.
correct bins for proper disposal.
on the Maintenance Log.