Page 18 - HACCP One-Sheeters
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Snooze Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Management
The Why? Guests Get Top Billing
At Snooze, we work The Guest is our True North. We owe it to our Guests to clearly
diligently to prevent (or communicate potential food safety risks. We must also LISTEN to our
Guests. We take their complaints seriously, and do everything we can
immediately remedy) any to make sure they leave our restaurants happy! Always remember…
problem, deviation, or It only takes a moment to make a difference!
nonconformity that could All Snoozers have the authority
negatively impact food To ensure Guest satisfaction and obligation to report perceived
when handling a complaint:
safety & quality, or the LISTEN to the Guest unsafe conditions or behaviors
Guest experience. Demonstrate courtesy and a that may result in food safety or
quality concerns.
positive, helpful attitude
Demonstrate understanding
Lights, Camera, ACTION! of the Guest’s feelings and Menu Marquee
give feedback to show that
When food or Guest safety is at risk, you understand, but do not
problems gotta be investigated and admit fault, unless appropriate A Consumer Advisory is a
fixed – pronto! Your management Critics’ Corner: The Reviews are In Ask open-ended questions to notification to Guests, especially
team will assign corrective and/or get information from the those in susceptible populations
preventive actions, and the issues will Guest (i.e. elderly, children, pregnant
be tracked through resolution on Take action to resolve the mothers, immunocompromised),
the Corrective Action and Guest’s complaint about the increased risk of
Preventative Action (CAPA) Log. Refer the Guest’s complaint foodborne illness from eating
to Regional Management and
Issues may stem from things like: the Mothership, if necessary potentially hazardous foods – like
Guest complaints Complete any required raw or undercooked animal
Internal, 3 -party, regulatory audits documentation products and allergen-containing
Product or equipment failures Follow up to ensure the foods. Have you seen the
Management system failures Guest is happy and satisfied advisories on Snooze menus?
Training or procedural deficiencies
A Root Cause is the most basic or Let’s hope it never happens… But, Snooze puts Consumer Advisory
fundamental reason a problem
statements and warnings on our
Cool Snooze Investigators contribute to a problem, but isn’t No Stunt Doubles after eating at one of our Star of the Show starring role in providing
if a Guest is ever injured at Snooze,
occurred. A Symptom may
menus. However, Snoozers play a
or develops a foodborne illness
important food safety
the true source of the issue. When
restaurants, a Qualified Snoozer
conducting an investigation, it’s
information to our Guests.
must complete a Guest Incident
Can you clearly communicate
important to apply corrective
Report (found on Google Drive).
actions to the Root Cause, so the
potentially hazardous menu items
Be sure to notify your Regional
problem doesn’t happen again!
comfortable recommending
Root Cause Analysis results go on
substitutions? Let’s rehearse!
the CAPA log. Manager and the Mothership to at-risk Guests? Are you