Page 14 - HACCP One-Sheeters
P. 14

Snooze Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Management
                                                          SUPPLIER APPROVAL &
                                                        EMERGENCY PURCHASES

                    The Why?                                 Snooze Approved… We Checked!
         At Snooze, we work to                Food Safety is always our #1 priority.  However, we also research and test

         develop great partnerships            our products to ensure they meet our People, Planet, Profit and Pancakes
                                              philosophies.  If something is Snooze Approved, you know that quite a bit
         with our suppliers and                of thoughtfulness, intention & excitement went into its selection!
         vendors to ensure our
         menu items are safe, of                    The Mothership Purchasing            SAFE
                                                    Team requires suppliers to
         high quality, and in line                  complete a comprehensive             HIGH-QUALITY
         with our social and                        questionaire and provide             SNOOZE APPROVED
                                                    safety-related document-
         environmental standards.
                                                    ation, such as:
          Safety at Our Core-Vetted                     Product Spec Sheet                 Stuff Happens!
                                                        Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
         Snooze vendors are thouroughly                 Nutritional Analysis
         vetted before we purchase their         Do They Got What it Takes?    Allergen Listing      We’re fresh outta’ limes and a
         goods. We conduct a risk analysis              HACCP Plan                  Guest needs Juan’s Breakfast
         of new ingredients, raw materials,             Third-party audit reports   Tacos - pronto! Occasionally,
         processing aids and To-Go                     or accreditations            stuff happens, and we hafta’
         packaging before they make it into             Traceability and Recall     make an emergency purchase
         our restaurants.  We also keep an             capability                   from a store that hasn’t gone
         eye on our current suppliers to be             Crisis Management Plan      through our supplier approval
         sure they’re continually providing             Food Defense Program        process. What do you do?
         safe & quality products.                       Proof of Insurance

               We should always be working                                                We gotta record emergency
               to prevent them, but when            First and foremost, we must           purchases from non-approved
               emergencies necessitate the          consider food safety when             vendors on the Corrective
            State of Emergency   must be analyzed and inspected     HACCP Tested.  Snoozer Approved.   the proper temp? Is the can     CAPA CAPA… Gotta!   (CAPA) Log.  Be sure to jot
               purchase of items from a non-
                                                    making emergency purchases.
                                                                                          Action & Preventative Action
                                                    (Has the product been kept at
               approved supplier, the items
                                                                                          down traceability info
                                                    bulging? Is it beyond its
               by a Manager (or Qualified
                                                                                          (manufacturer, Lot/UPC/SKU
               Snoozer) for potential food
                                                    expiration date?  Is it traceable
                                                                                          numbers, etc.) and your safety
                                                    to the manufacturer if there’s
               safety risk before the purchase
                                                                                          risk analysis results. And don’t
               is made.  Not a manager?  Be
                                                    ever a problem?)  But, we
               sure to review applicable
                                                                                          analysis. (Why did this emer-
                                                    Snooze Approved guidelines
               HACCP principles with your
                                                                                          gency happen, and what can
                                                    and the 86’d ingredient list!
               GM before ya shell out any           should also be mindful of our         forget to conduct a root cause
               dough!                                                                     we do to prevent recurrence?)

                                       PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO SNOOZE HOLDCO INC
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