Page 12 - HACCP One-Sheeters
P. 12

Snooze Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Management
                                                  ALLERGEN MANAGEMENT

                    The Why?                           Let’s be Clear… Snooze is Allergy FRIENDLY
         FOOD ALLERGIES can be serious –      Two-way communication with Guests is KEY!  Please make it clear that
         even fatal. We have a BIG             Snooze accommodates allergies to the best of our ability.  But we CAN’T
         responsibility to handle Guest        GUARANTEE any specific practices for Guests with severe allergies.
         allergies appropriately.  Snooze
         reviews new menu items and all
         incoming materials containing              Any food can cause an             FOOD ALLERGIES
         allergens to make sure they are            allergic reaction.  But these
         received, stored, labeled and              eight foods account for           It’s a matter of life & death!
         handled properly.                          most allergies:
               No Cross Contact                         Eggs                                 Emergency
                                                        Finned Fish (e.g. bass,
         CROSS CONTACT occurs when a                    flounder, cod)              Know how to spot an allergic
         trace amount of an allergenic food      Common Food Allergens     Shellfish (e.g. crab,      reaction! Symptoms can appear
         encounters an allergen-free food,              lobster, shrimp, clams)     within seconds (but could take
         utensil or surface. Store materials            Peanuts                     hours) and can range from a rash,
         in a way that prevents cross                   Tree nuts (e.g. coconut,    to labored breathing, or even
         contact. Isolate & immediately                 walnut, pecan, almond,      death. If a Guest is in distress,
         clean spills of allergen-containing            pistachio, macadamia)
         materials. Use one utensil for each            Wheat                       CALL 911.  Communicate with a
                                                                                    manager, and stay with the Guest
         Expo item. Sanitize barista tongs at           Soy (tofu, soy milk)        until help arrives.
         7AM, 10AM and 1PM.

               TAKE GUEST ALLERGIES                 Use the ALLERGY                       PREVENT CROSS
                                                                                          CONTACT! Wash hands,
                                                    MODIFIER when entering
               SERIOUSLY! Listen carefully.
            The Guest   Know the menu!  What can        Communicate   orders in Aloha.  Also,        Allergen-Free   workspaces & utensils, and
                                                                                          make sure dishes are
                                                    INFORM the HOH or
               be made dairy-free?  Gluten-
                                                    Baristas, and explain guest
                                                                                          allergen-free before
               free friendly? Without nuts?
               Always ask, “do you have an
                                                                                          orders before serving.
                                                    to anyone preparing food.
               allergy, or just a preference?”      requests and/or restrictions          preppin’ food. Double check

                                          8 Standard Allergy Practices (8SAP)
         1.  FOH communicates       3. Cooks/Baristas preparing   5. Cooks/Baristas change   7. For food, Cooks change
           Allergy to Expo (food) or   the food & beverages put   gloves again and then use   gloves again before
           Barista (beverage).         on fresh gloves.           CLEAN, unused utensils     sending plate out to Guest.
         2. For food, Expo          4. Cooks/Baristas clean and   and tools.               8. Cooks mark plates with an
           communicates Allergy to     sanitize work station    6. Cooks/Baristas prepare the   upside-down ramekin
           HOH.                        and/or cooking surface.    Perfect Plate/Perfect Cup.   (removed before serving).
                                                                                             Baristas ensure drink is
                                                                                             delivered to Guest.

                                       PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO SNOOZE HOLDCO INC
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