Page 10 - HACCP One-Sheeters
P. 10
Snooze Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Management
The Why? Highway to the Danger Zone
Dangerous bacteria multiply like crazy in foods left in the temperature range
The safe heating, cooling, between 40 °F and 140 °F - a.k.a. the "Danger Zone." Chilling food quickly
reheating, holding and date reduces bacterial growth. Heating food to the proper temperature (for the right
length of time) eliminates the pesky pathogens.
marking of potentially-
hazardous food are All food served at Snooze must Keep Snooze food safe to
essential to preventing be heated for a long enough bite! Always be sure the
time and at a high enough
foodborne illness. TEMP is right!
temperature to kill the harmful
bacteria. Always consult the
Hot Foods Hot! Food Doctrine, but generally:
Cold Foods Cold! 140 ºF for 15 seconds - pre-cooked Tempin’ Tips
Potentially-hazardous HOT food 145 ºF for 15 seconds – seafood, Do not allow food to sit at room
(ready-to-eat, meats, dairy, beans, Whatcha Got Cookin’ beef, pork (bacon), eggs that are temperature for more than 30
cooked to order
soups, sauces, etc.) must be Hot 145 ºF for 4 minutes - pork and minutes after cooking. Some
appropriate cooling methods:
Held at or above 140 °F. To ensure beef roasts (allow pork to rest 3 Place food in shallow containers (e.g.
quality and tastiness, we shoot for minutes) metal 2” hotel pans, sheet pans) and
150 °F at Snooze. Potentially- 155 ºF for 15 seconds - Eggs that uncovered on cooling rack in the walk-
will be hot-held on a steam table
in/reach-in cooler.
hazardous COLD foods need to (i.e. scrambled eggs) Stir food in a container that has been
stay at or below 40 ºF. Get cold 160 ºF for 15 seconds – placed in an ice water bath.
ground/chopped meat
ingredients to the fridge if prep 165 ºF for 15 seconds – poultry, Add ice as an ingredient.
time is expected to exceed 30 reheated items Separate food into smaller portions.
minutes. Freezer oughta’ be <0 °F! Pre-chill ingredients and containers used
for making bulk items - such as salads.
The Cooling Log is a running Food temperature checks are Ready-to-eat and packaged
record of food temps through- taken daily at 7AM, 10AM and foods & bevs gotta be
out the cooling process. Once 1PM, and they’re recorded consumed within 7 days of
prep or opening (or per FDA’s
prepped, put food into proper
Cool as a Cucumber the walk-in. Record the initial Hot! Hot! Hot! of equipment (steam well, hot I Dream of Genie it’s off to the Compost Bin,
within HACCP Manager. Check
recommendation). Otherwise,
cooling containers and place in
at least 2-3 items in each piece
temperature upon placement
baby! In HOH, use the Date
box, expo cooler, etc.). If
into refrigeration and again
Code Genie to label product
temps are outside of acceptable
every hour. The item must cool
with date & time of prep or
ranges, place the items on
from 140° to 70° within the
opening, name of preparer (if
HOLD and notify your
first two hours, and from 70°
applicable), and expiration/
to ≤40° within the next 4
corrective actions. Don’t reuse
hours. The total time to ≤40°
Sharpie® for labeling open
utensils from any foods found
containers (like milk & juice).
can’t exceed 6 hours. Snap a manager to take appropriate discard date. In FOH, use a
photo of the log on the iPad at to be in the Danger Zone until And it goes without saying…
the end of each day. they’ve been properly sanitized! Don’t use it if it’s expired!!!