Page 234 - It Ends with Us
P. 234

I   don’t   kno w   why    I   ha ve   an   urge   to   give   hi m   the   na ked   truth.

                Maybe  I  just  want   to  see    ho w  someo ne     will  rea ct  when    they   find   out
                my own  hu sband  did thi s to me.
                    “My  hu sband   happened .  We  got  int o  a  fig ht   two  ni ght s  ago  and   he
                hea d-butted  me. Atlas took me  to the  em erg enc y room. They  gave  me
                six stitches  and  told me  I was preg na nt . Now I’m hi ding  out here  unt il
                I fig ure  out wha t to do.”

                    Poor  Darin  is  frozen,   ha lfway  bet ween  stand ing   and   sitting .  He  ha s
                no   idea   ho w  to  res pond   to  tha t.  Based   on  the  look  on  hi s  face,   I  thi nk
                he’s conv inc ed  I’m crazy.
                    Brad    pulls   out   hi s   cha ir   and    takes    a   sea t,   point ing    at   me.    “You
                sho uld  get   some  Rodan  and   Fiel ds.  The  amp  roller  works  wond ers   for
                scarri ng .”
                    I immed iatel y laugh  at hi s rand om res pons e.  Someho w.

                    “Jes us,  Brad!”  Darin  says,  fina lly  sink ing   int o  hi s  sea t.  “You’re  worse
                tha n   your    wife   with    thi s   direc t   sales    shi t.   You’re   like   a   walking
                inf omerc ial.”
                    Brad  raises   hi s  ha nd s  in  def ens e.   “Wha t?”  he   says  inno cent ly.  “I’m
                no t   trying    to   sel l   her   any thi ng ,   I’m   bei ng    ho nes t.   The   stuff   works.
                You’d kno w tha t if you’d use  it on  your damn  acne. ”

                    “Screw  you,” Darin  says.
                    “It’s  like  you’re   trying   to  be   a  perp et ual  teena ger,”   Brad  mutters .
                “Acne  isn’t cool when  you’re  thi rty.”
                    Brad  pulls  out  the  cha ir  nex t  to  hi m  whi le  Darin  beg ins   shu ffling   a
                dec k  of  cards.  “Have  a  sea t,  Lily.  One  of  our  friend s  dec ided   to  be  an
                idiot  and  get   marri ed   last  wee k,  and   no w  hi s  wife  won’t  let   hi m  come
                to poker  ni ght  any more.  You can  be  hi s fil l-in  unt il he  get s a divorce. ”

                    I  ha d  ev er y  int ent ion  of  hi ding   out  in  my  room  toni ght ,  but  thes e
                two  make  it  ha rd  to  walk  away.  I  take  a  sea t  nex t  to  Brad  and   rea ch
                across  the    table.   “Hand   me  those, ”  I  say  to  Darin.   He’s  shu ffling   the
                cards like  a one- armed  inf ant .
                    He  raises  an  ey eb row and  pushes  the  dec k of cards across the  table.
                I  don’t  kno w  much      about  card  games ,  but  I  can       shu ffle   cards  like   a

                    I   sep arate   the   cards    int o   two   piles    and    scoot   them    toget her,
                pres sing    my    thu mbs     to   the    end s,   watchi ng     as   they    bea utifully
                int ert wine.    Darin   and    Brad   are   staring    at   the   dec k   of   cards,   when
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