Page 232 - It Ends with Us
P. 232

I   lock   the   screen   on   my   pho ne   and    set    it   on   my   bed .   It’s   dark

                outside     no w,   so   I   immed iately   see   the   scroll   of   the   hea dlight s   as
                someo ne     pulls   int o   the   driveway.   I   ins tant ly   kno w   tha t   it   isn’t   Atlas,
                bec ause  he  uses  the  drivew ay to the  side  of the  ho use  and  parks in  the
                garage.   My  hea rt  beg ins   to  race  as  fea r  rushes   thro ugh  me.   Is  it  R yle?
                Did he  find  out where  Atlas lives ?
                    Moment s  later,  there’ s  a  loud  kno ck  at  the       front   door.  More     like

                pound ing . The  doorbel l also ring s.
                    I   tiptoe   to   the   wind ow   and    barel y   move    the   curtains    over   far
                eno ugh     to   take   a   look   outside.    I   can’t   see   who ’s   at   the   door,   but
                there’ s a truck in  the  drivew ay. It does n’t bel ong  to R yle.
                    Could it be  Atlas’s girlfriend ? Cassie?
                    I  grab  my  pho ne     and   make  my  way  down        the   ha llway,  toward  the
                living    room.    The    pound ing      on   the   door    and    the   chi me    of   the

                doorbel l  are    still  going   off  simultaneo usly.  Who ev er      is  at  the   door  is
                bei ng    ridiculously     impatient .     If   it   is   Cassie,    I   alrea dy   find    her
                ex tremel y anno ying .
                    “Atlas!” a guy yel ls. “Open  the  damn  door!”
                    Ano ther  voice—a lso male—y el ls, “My balls are  freez ing  up! They ’re
                raisins , man,  open  the  door!”

                    Bef ore  I  open  the  door  and   let   them   kno w  Atlas  isn’t  ho me,   I  tex t
                hi m,   ho ping    he’s   about   to   pull   in   the   drivew ay   and    dea l   with   thi s
                hi msel f.
                    Me: Where are you? There are two men at your front door and I have no idea
                    if I should let them in.
                    I  wait  thro ugh   more    pres ses   of  the   doorbel l  and   more    pound ing ,

                but  Atlas  does n’t  immed iatel y  tex t  me  back.  I  fina lly  walk  to  the  door
                and    lea ve   the   cha in   bolted ,   but   unl ock   the   dea dbolt   and    open   the
                door a few  inc hes .
                    One    of  the   guys  is  tall,  about  six  feet   or   so.  Des pite   the   youthf ul
                look  to  hi s  face,   hi s  ha ir  is  salt  and   pep per.  Black  with   a  little   bit  of

                gray sprink led  in.  The  other  one  is sho rter  by a few  inc hes , with  sand y
                brown     ha ir   and    a   baby   face.    They    both   look   to   be   in   thei r   late
                twent ies , maybe  ea rly thi rties . The  tall one’s face  twists int o conf usion.
                “Who  are  you?” he  asks, peek ing  thro ugh  the  door.
                    “Lily. Who  are  you?”
                    The  sho rter  one  pushes  in  front  of the  taller  one.  “Is Atlas here?”
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