Page 228 - It Ends with Us
P. 228

Chapter Twenty-Seven

                My  ha nd   is  tremb ling   when  I  rea ch  for  the  doorkno b.  I’ve  nev er  onc e
                been    scared   to  walk  int o  my  own  busines s  bef ore,   but  I’ve  also  nev er
                been  thi s on  ed ge.
                    The  building   is  dark  when  I  ent er  it,  so  I  flip  on  the  light s,  ho lding

                my    brea th.    I   walk   slowly   to   my   offic e,    pushi ng    the   door   open   with
                    He’s no where,  yet  he’s ev er ywhere.
                    When  I take  a sea t at my des k, I turn  on  my pho ne  for  the  firs t time
                sinc e  I  went   to  bed   last  ni ght .  I  want ed   a  good  ni ght ’s  sleep   witho ut

                ha ving  to worr y about whet her  or no t R yle  was trying  to cont act me.
                    When     it  powers   on,   I  ha ve   twent y-ni ne   missed   tex ts  from  R yle.   It
                just  so  ha ppens   to  be  the  same  nu mber  of  doors  R yle  kno cked   on  to
                find  my apartment  last yea r.
                    I don’t kno w whet her  to laugh  or cry at the  irony.
                    I   spend    the   res t   of   the   day   like   thi s.   Glanc ing    over   my   sho ulder,
                looking   up  at  the    door    ev er y  time   it  opens .  I  wond er   if  he’s  ruined

                me.  If the  fea r of hi m will ev er  lea ve  me.
                    Half   a   day   goes    by   witho ut   a   sing le   pho ne   call   from   hi m   whi le   I
                catch  up  on  paper work.  Allysa  calls  me  after         lunc h  and   I  can  tel l  by
                her  voice  tha t she  ha s no  idea  about the  fig ht  R yle  and  I ha d. I let  her
                talk about the  baby for  a whi le bef ore  I pret end  I ha ve  a customer  and
                ha ng  up.

                    I plan  on  lea ving  when  Lucy ret urns  from her  lunc h  brea k. She  ha s
                ha lf an  ho ur lef t.
                    R yle  walks thro ugh  the  front  door three  minu tes  later.
                    I’m the  onl y one  here.
                    As  soon    as  I  see   hi m,  I  turn   stone   cold.  I’m  stand ing   behi nd   the
                count er,  my  ha nd   on  the  cash  reg ister  bec ause  it’s  close  to  the  stapler.
                I’m    sure   a   stapler   couldn’t   do   much     ha rm    agains t   the   arms   of   a

                neu rosurgeo n,  but I’ll use  what I ha ve.
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