Page 233 - It Ends with Us
P. 233

I  don’t  want   to  tel l  them   no ,  bec ause   then   they ’ll  kno w  I’m  here

                alone.   I  don’t  nec es sarily  ho ld  much  trust  in  the  male  population  thi s
                week .
                    The    pho ne   in   my   ha nd    ring s   and    all   three   of   us   jump   from   the
                unex pec ted nes s  of  it.  It’s  Atlas.  I  swipe  the  ans wer  button  and   bring   it
                to my ea r.
                    “Hel lo?”

                    “It’s  fine ,  Lily,  they ’re  just  friend s  of  mine.   I  forgot  it  was  Friday, we
                always    play   poker    on   Fridays.   I’ll   call   them    no w   and    tel l   them    to
                lea ve. ”
                    I   look   back   at   the   two   of   them    and    they ’re   just   stand ing    there,
                watchi ng   me.   I  feel   bad  tha t  Atlas  feel s  like  he  ha s  to  canc el   hi s  plans
                just bec ause  I’m crashi ng  at hi s ho use.  I shu t the  door  and  unl ock the
                dea dbolt, then  open  the  door again,  motioni ng  them  ins ide.

                    “It’s  fin e,   Atlas.  You  don’t  ha ve  to  canc el   your  plans .  I  was  about  to
                go to bed  any way.”
                    “No, I’m on  my way. I’ll ha ve  them  lea ve. ”
                    I  still  ha ve  the   pho ne   pres sed   to  my  ea r  when   the   two  men   ent er
                the  living  room.
                    “See  you  soon, ”  I  say  to  Atlas  and   then    end   the  call.  The  nex t  few

                sec ond s are  awkward as the  guys asses s me  and  I asses s them .
                    “Wha t are  your na mes ?”
                    “I’m Darin, ” the  tall one  says.
                    “Brad,” the  sho rter  one  says.
                    “Lily,”   I   say   to   them,    ev en   tho ugh   I   alrea dy   told   them    my   na me.
                “Atlas  will  be  here    soon. ”  I  move  to  close  the    door  and   they   seem   to
                rel ax a little.  Darin  hea ds int o the  kitchen  and  hel ps hi msel f to Atlas’s

                ref rigera tor.
                    Brad takes  off his jacket  and  hang s it up. “Do you kno w ho w to play
                poker, Lily?”
                    I   shrug.   “It’s   been   a   few    yea rs,   but   I   used    to   play   with   friend s   in
                colleg e. ”
                    Both  of them  walk toward the  dini ng  room table.

                    “Wha t  ha ppened   to  your  hea d?”  Darin  asks  as  he         takes   a  sea t.  He
                asks it so casually, like  it does n’t ev en  cross hi s mind  tha t it might  be  a
                sens itive  subjec t.
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