Page 236 - It Ends with Us
P. 236

My   ha nds   are   pres sed    int o   the   count er   on   ei ther   side   of   me.    He

                takes   a  step   closer  and   puts  one  of  hi s  ha nd s  over  mine,   brushi ng   hi s
                thu mb     across   the   top   of   it.   I   kno w   he   does n’t   mea n   for   it   to   be
                any thi ng  more tha n  a comforting  ges ture,  but when  he  touches  me,  it
                feel s like  a who le  lot more.  A rush  of warmth  moves  up my ches t and  I
                immed iatel y  drop  my  ey es   to  our  ha nd s.  Atlas  pauses   hi s  thumb  for  a
                sec ond ,  like   he   feel s  it,  too.  He   pulls  hi s  ha nd   away  and   backs  up  a

                step .
                    “Sorr y,”  he  mutters ,  turni ng   toward  the  ref rigera tor,  pret en ding   to
                look    for   somet hi ng .   It’s   obvious   he’s   trying    to   spare   me   from   the
                awkwardnes s of wha t just ha ppened .
                    I walk back to the  table  and  pick up my cards for  the  nex t round . A
                couple  of minu tes  later, Atlas walks over  and  takes  the  sea t nex t to me.
                Jimmy  shu ffles   out  a  round   of  new   cards  to  ev er yone.   “So,  Atlas.  How

                do you and  Lily kno w ea ch  other?”
                    Atlas  picks  up  hi s  cards  one  at  a  time.   “Lily  saved   my  life  when     we
                were    kids,”  he   says,  matter-of-fact.  He     glanc es   over   at  me   and   wink s,
                and  I drown  in guilt for  the  way tha t wink  makes  me  feel . Espec ially at
                a time  like  thi s. Why  is my he ar t do ing thi s to me?
                    “Aw, tha t’s sweet ,”  Brad says. “Lily saved  your  life,  no w you’re  saving

                hers .”
                    Atlas lowers  hi s cards and  glares  at Brad. “Excuse  me?”
                    “Rel ax,”  Brad  says.  “Me  and   Lily  are  tight ,  she  kno ws  I’m  kidding .”
                Brad  looks  at  me.   “Your  life  might   be  complet e  crap  right  no w,  Lily,
                but it’ll get  bet ter. Trust me,  I’ve  been  there. ”
                    Darin  laughs . “You’ve  been  beat up and  preg na nt  and  hi ding  out at
                ano ther  man’s ho use?”  he  says to Brad.

                    Atlas   slaps   hi s   cards   on   the   table   and    pushes    back   in   hi s   cha ir.
                “Wha t the  hel l is wrong  with  you?” he  yel ls at Darin.
                    I  rea ch   over   and   squeez e   hi s  arm  rea ssuring ly.  “Rel ax,”  I  say.  “We
                bond ed     bef ore    you   got   her e.    I   actually   don’t   mind    that   they ’re
                making  light  of my situation.  It rea lly does  make  it a little  les s hea vy.”
                    He  runs  a  frustrated   ha nd   thro ugh  hi s  ha ir,  sha king   hi s  he ad.  “I’m

                so conf used ,” he  says. “You were  alone  with  them  for ten  minu tes .”
                    I  laugh.   “You  can  lea rn  a  lot  about  someo ne  in  ten  minu tes .”  I  try
                to red irec t the  conv ers ation.  “So ho w do you all kno w ea ch  other?”
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