Page 227 - It Ends with Us
P. 227

Yep .  I’m  defini tel y  conf used .  How  am  I  possibly  lend ing   blame  to

                Atlas for any  of thi s?
                    “I  thi nk   I  need   to  call  it  a  ni ght ,”  I  say  quiet ly,  pulling   away  from
                hi m. I stand  up and  Atlas stands up, too.
                    “I’ll  be  gone  most  of  the  day  tomorro w,”  he  says.  “Wi ll  you  be  here
                when  I get  ho me?”
                    I   cring e   at   hi s   ques tion.    Of   course   he   want s   me   to   get    my   shi t

                toget her    and    find    ano ther   place   to   stay.   Wha t   am   I   ev en   still   doing
                here?    “No .  No,  I  can  get   a  ho tel ,  it’s  fine. ”  I  turn  to  walk  toward  the
                ha llway, but he  puts a ha nd  on  my sho ulder.
                    “Lily,”  he  says,  turni ng   me  around .  “I  wasn’t  asking   you  to  lea ve.   I
                was  just  making   sure  you’d  still  be  here.   I  want   you  to  stay  as  long   as
                you need  to.”
                    His   ey es    are   sinc ere,    and    if   I   didn’t   thi nk    it   would   be   a   little

                ina ppropriate,      I   would   thro w   my   arms    around     hi m   and    hu g   hi m.
                Bec ause  I’m no t rea dy to lea ve  yet . Just a couple  more  days bef ore  I’m
                forced  to fig ure  out wha t my nex t step  is.
                    I  no d.  “I  need   to  go  in   to  work  for   a  few   ho urs  tomorro w,”   I  tel l
                hi m.  “There     are  some  thi ng s  I  need   to  take  care  of.  But  if  you  rea lly
                don’t mind , I’d like  to stay here  for a few  more  days.”

                    “I don’t mind , Lily. I’d pref er  it.”
                    I  force  a  smile  and   then    hea d  to  the   gues t  bed room.  At  lea st  he’s
                giving  me  a buffer  bef ore  I’m forced  to conf ront  ev er ythi ng .
                    As   much    as   hi s   pres enc e   in   my   life   conf uses    me   right    now,   I’ve
                nev er  been  more  tha nk ful for hi m.
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