Page 224 - It Ends with Us
P. 224

Chapter Twenty-Six

                I’m  lying   on  Atlas’s  gues t  bed ,  staring   up  at  the  cei ling .  It’s  a  no rmal
                bed .  Rea lly  comfortable,   actually.  But  it  feel s  like  I’m  on  a  water  bed .
                Or  maybe  a  raft,  adrift  at  sea .  And   I  scale  over  thes e  hu ge  waves ,  ea ch
                of   them    carr ying    somet hi ng    different .   Some    are   waves    of   sadnes s.

                Some  are  waves   of  ang er.  Some  are  waves   of  tea rs.  Some  are  waves   of
                sleep .
                    Occasiona lly,  I’ll  place  my  ha nd s  on  my  stomach  and   a  tiny   wave  of
                love   will  come.   I  ha ve   no   idea   ho w  I  can   alrea dy  love   somet hi ng   so
                much,   but  I  do.  I  thi nk   about  whet her     or  no t  it’ll  be  a  boy  or  a  girl

                and  wha t I’ll na me  it. I wond er if it will look like  me  or R yle.  And  then
                ano ther  wave  of  ang er  will  come  and   crash  down  on  tha t  tiny   wave  of
                    I  feel   robbed   of  the   joy  a  mother   sho uld  ha ve  when     she   find s  out
                she’s  preg na nt .  I  feel   like   R yle   took  tha t  from  me   last  ni ght   and   it’s
                just one  more  thi ng  I ha ve  to ha te  hi m for.
                    Hatred  is ex ha usting .

                    I   force   mysel f   off   the   bed    and    int o   the   sho wer.   I’ve   been   in   my
                room  most  of  the      day.  Atlas  ret urned   ho me     sev era l  ho urs  ago  and   I
                hea rd    him    open    the    door    at   one   point    to   chec k   on   me    but   I
                pret end ed  to be  asleep .
                    I feel  awkward bei ng  here.  Atlas is the  ver y rea son  R yle  was ang ry at
                me    last  ni ght ,  yet   he’s  the   one   I  ran   to  when   I  need ed   hel p?  Bei ng

                here  fil ls me  with  guilt. Maybe ev en  a little  bit of sha me,  as tho ugh  my
                calling    Atlas   lend s   cred ibility   to   R yle’s   ang er.   But   there’ s   litera lly
                no where  I  can  go  right   no w.  I  need   a  couple  of  days  to  proces s  thi ng s
                and  if I go to a ho tel , R yle  could track the  cred it card cha rge  and  find
                    He’d   be  able  to  find   me  at  my  mother’ s.  At  Allysa’s.  At  Lucy’s.  He’s
                ev en   met    Dev in   a   couple   of   times    and    would   more   tha n   likel y   go

                there,  too.
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