Page 249 - It Ends with Us
P. 249

Chapter Thirty

                It’s   rather   conv eni ent    onl y   ha ving    to   take   an   el ev ator   to   get    ho me
                from  Allysa’s,  as  much  as  I  want   to  move  out  of  my  own  apartment   at
                times .  It’s  still  strang e  living   there.   We  onl y  lived   there   a  week   bef ore
                we  split  up  and   R yle  lef t  for  Eng land .  It  nev er  ev en  ha d  the   cha nc e  to

                feel    like   ho me   and    no w   it   feel s   a   little   taint ed .   I   ha ven’t   ev en   been
                able  to sleep  in our  bed room sinc e  tha t ni ght , so I’ve  been  sleep ing  in
                the  gues t room on  my old bed .
                    Allysa   and    Marsha ll   are   still   the   onl y   ones    who    kno w   about   the
                preg na nc y.  It’s  onl y  been   two  week s  sinc e   I  told  them ,  which     makes

                me  twen ty  week s  along   no w.  I  kno w  I  sho uld  tel l  my  mothe r,  but  R yle
                will  be   back  in  a  few   week s.  I  feel   like   I  sho uld  tel l  hi m  firs t  bef ore
                any one  el se  find s  out.  If  I  can  just  someho w  hi de  my  baby  bump  from
                her  unt il he  get s back to the  States .
                    I   sho uld   probably    just   accep t   the   fact   tha t   I’m   more   tha n   likel y
                going  to ha ve  to call hi m and  tel l hi m long -distanc e.  I ha ven ’t seen  my
                mother     face- to-face  in  two  week s.  It’s  the   long es t  we’v e  gone   witho ut

                seei ng   ea ch  other  sinc e  she  moved   to  Boston,   so  if  somet hing   does n’t
                ha ppen  soon  she’l l sho w up at my front  door when  I’m no t prep ared .
                    I  swea r  my  stomach  ha s  doubled   in  size  thes e  last  two  week s  alone.
                If  someo ne  sees   me  who   kno ws  me  wel l,  it’ll  be  impossible  to  hi de.   So
                far,  no   one   at  the   floral  sho p  ha s  asked   about  it.  I  thi nk   I’m  still  on
                the  cusp of “Is she  pregnan t? Or  just chu bby?”

                    I  start  to  unl ock  the   door  to  my  apartment ,  but  it  beg ins   to  open
                from    the   other   side.    Bef ore   I   can   pull   the   jacket    over   to   hi de   my
                stomach      from   who ev er   is   on   the   other   side   of   the   door,   R yle’s   ey es
                land   on  me.   I’m  wea ring   one  of  the  shi rts  Allysa  gave  me  and   it’s  kind
                of  impossible  to  hi de  the  fact  tha t  I’m  wea ring   a  materni ty  shi rt  when
                he’s staring  right  at it.
                    R yle.

                    R yle is he re.
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