Page 248 - It Ends with Us
P. 248
I look . . . preg na nt . Like you-can ’t-hi de -thi s-shi t preg na nt .
She puts a ha nd on my stomach and stares in the mirro r with me.
“Have you found out if it’s a boy or a girl?”
I sha ke my hea d. “I don’t rea lly want to kno w.”
“I ho pe it’s a girl,” she says. “Our daught ers can be bes ties .”
We both spin around to find Marsha ll stand ing in the door way. His
ey es are on my stomach. On Allysa’s han d still on my stomach. He tilts
hi s hea d. He point s at me.
“You . . .” he says, conf used . “Lily, there’ s a . . . do you rea lize you’re
preg na nt ?”
Allysa calmly walks to the door and puts her ha nd on the
doorkno b. “There are some thi ng s you are nev er, ev er to rep ea t if you
want to keep me as your wife. Thi s is one of tho se thi ng s.
Und ers tood?”
Marsha ll raises hi s ey eb rows and takes a step back. “Yes . Okay. Got
it. Lily is no t preg na nt .” He kisses Allysa on the forehea d and looks
back at me. “I am no t tel ling you cong ratulations , Lily. For absolutel y
no thi ng .” Allysa sho ves hi m all the way out the door and closes it,
then turns back to me.
“We need to plan a baby sho wer,” she says.
“No. I need to tel l R yle firs t.”
She waves her ha nd dismissivel y. “We don’t need hi m to plan a
sho wer. We’l l just keep it bet ween the two of us unt il then. ”
She pulls out her laptop, and for the firs t time sinc e I found out I
was preg na nt , I feel ha ppy about it.