Page 244 - It Ends with Us
P. 244

Chapter Twenty-Nine

                Allysa   drops    ont o   the   couch    bes ide   me   and    R ylee.    “I   miss   you   so
                much,   Lily,”  she  says.  “I’m  thi nk ing   about  coming   back  to  work  a  day
                or two a week .”
                    I  laugh,   a  little  sho cked   by  her   comment .  “I  live  downs tairs  and   I

                visit almost ev er y day. How can you possibly miss me?”
                    She  pouts  as  she  pulls  her  leg s  up  benea th  her.  “Fine,   it’s  not  you  I
                miss. I miss work. And  somet imes  I just want  out of thi s ho use. ”
                    It’s  been   six  week s  sinc e  she   ha d  R ylee,   so  I’m  sure   she   would  be
                clea red   to  come  back  to  work.  But  I  ho nes tly  didn’t  thi nk   she’d   ev en

                want   to  come  back  no w  tha t  she      ha s  R ylee.   I  bend   for ward  and   give
                R ylee  a kiss on  her  no se.  “Would you bring  R ylee  with  you?”
                    Allysa   sha kes    her   hea d.   “No,   you    keep    me    too   busy   for   tha t.
                Marsha ll can  watch  her  whi le  I work.”
                    “You mea n  you don’t ha ve  people for tha t?”
                    Marsha ll  is  passing   thro ugh  the  living   room  when        he  hea rs  me  say
                tha t.  “Shu sh,   Lily.  Don’t  spea k  like  a  rich  girl  in  front   of  my  daught er.

                Blasphemy .”
                    I  laugh.   Tha t’s  why   I  come  over  here    a  few   ni ght s  a  week ,  bec ause
                it’s   the   onl y   time   I   laugh.    It’s   been   six   week s   sinc e   R yle   lef t   for
                Eng land ,  and   no   one    kno ws  wha t  ha ppened   bet ween        us.  R yle  ha sn’t
                told   any one,    and    nei ther   ha ve   I.   Ever yone,    my   mother     inc luded ,
                bel iev es   he   simply  lef t  for   the   study  at  Cambridge    and   that  no thi ng

                ha s cha ng ed  bet ween  us.
                    I also still ha ven’t told any one  about the  preg na nc y.
                    I’ve  been  to the  doctor twice.  It turns  out I was alrea dy twel ve  week s
                along  the  ni ght  I found  out I was preg na nt , whi ch  makes  me  ei ght een
                week s  along   no w.  I’m  still  trying   to  wrap  my  hea d  around   it.  I’ve  been
                on   the   pill   sinc e   I   was   ei ght een.    Apparent ly   bei ng    forgetful   a   few
                times  caught  up with  me.
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