Page 247 - It Ends with Us
P. 247

bec ause  he’s her  brother. We’ re  supposed  to be  one  big, ha ppy family.

                I kno w ex actly wha t she’s thi nking .
                    She’s  quiet   for  a  long   time  as  she  struggles   thro ugh  ev er ythi ng   I’ve
                told her. She  fina lly lifts her  ey es  to mine  and  squeez es  my ha nd s. “My
                brother    loves  you,  Lily.  He  loves   you  so  much.   You  ha ve  cha ng ed   hi s
                ent ire  life  and  ha ve  made  hi m someo ne  tha t I nev er  tho ught he  could
                be.   As  hi s  sister,  I  wish  more  tha n  any thi ng   tha t  you  could  find   a  way

                to  forgive  hi m.  But  as  your  bes t  friend ,  I  ha ve  to  tel l  you  tha t  if  you
                take  hi m back, I will nev er  speak to you again. ”
                    It   takes    a   moment    for   her   words   to   reg ister,   but   when   they    do,   I
                start sobbing .
                    She  starts sobbing .
                    She  wraps  her  arms  around   me  and   we  cry  over  the  mutual  love  we
                ha ve  for R yle.  We  cry over  ho w much  we  ha te  hi m right  no w.

                    After   sev era l   minu tes    of   us   sobbing    pathet ically   on   her   bed ,   she
                rel ea ses  me  and  walks over  to her  dres ser  to ret riev e  a box of tissues .
                    We’re    both   wiping    our   ey es    and    sni ffling    when   I   say,   “You’re   the
                bes t friend  I’ve  ev er  ha d.”
                    She   no ds.   “I   kno w.   And    no w   I’m   gonna    be   the   bes t   aunt .”   She
                wipes    her   no se   and    sni ffles    again,    but   she’s   smiling .   “Lily.   You’re

                ha ving   a  bab y.”  She   says  it  with  ex citem ent ,  and   it’s  the   firs t  moment
                I’ve  been  able  to  sha re  any   sens e  of  joy  over  my  preg na nc y.  “I  ha te  to
                say   it,   but   I   no ticed    you   put   on   wei ght .   I   tho ught    you   were   just
                dep res sed  and  ea ting  a lot since  R yle  lef t.”
                    She  walks  to  the  back  of  her  closet   and   starts  pulling   thi ng s  out  for
                me.  “I ha ve  so many  materni ty clothes  to give  you.”
                    We  start  going   thro ugh  clothes   and   she      pulls  down  a  suitcase  and

                opens   it.  She  beg ins   to  thro w  thi ng s  toward  the  suitcase  unt il  it  starts
                to over flow.
                    “I  could  nev er   wea r   thes e, ”   I  tel l  her,  ho lding   up  a  shi rt  tha t  still
                ha s the  tag on  it. “They ’re  all des igner. I’ll get  them  dirty.”
                    She  laughs  and  sho ves  them  int o the  suitcase  any way. “I won’t need
                them    back.  If  I  get   preg na nt   again,   I’ll  just  ha ve   my  peo ple   buy  me

                more. ”  She    pulls  a  shi rt  off  a  ha ng er   and   ha nd s  it  to  me.   “Here,   try
                thi s one  on. ”
                    I  take  my  shi rt  off  and   then   pull  the  materni ty  shi rt  over  my  hea d.
                When  I get  it int o place,  I look in  the  mirro r.
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