Page 243 - It Ends with Us
P. 243

for  the   military.  He    knew   tha t  a  casual  friend shi p  would  nev er      work

                bet ween  us. It would ha ve  been  too painf ul.
                    Apparent ly, tha t ha sn’t cha ng ed.
                    “Goodbye,  Atlas.”
                    Saying   tho se   words  again     tea rs  me   up  almost  as  much      as  the   firs t
                time   I  ha d  to  say  them.   He    winc es   and   then   turns   and   walks  to  the
                door    like   he   can’t   lea ve   fast   eno ugh.    When   the   door   closes    behi nd

                hi m, I walk over  and  lock it, then  pres s my hea d agains t it.
                    Two days ago I was asking  mysel f ho w my life  could possibly get  any
                bet ter. Today I’m asking  myself ho w it could possibly get  any  worse.
                    I  jump  back  with  the  sudden  kno ck  at  the  door.  It’s  onl y  been         ten
                sec ond s  sinc e  he  walked   out,  so  I  kno w  it’s  Atlas.  I  unl ock  it  and   open
                it  and  I’m  suddenl y  pres sed   agains t  somet hi ng   soft.  Atlas’s  arms  wrap
                tight ly   around    me,    des pera tel y,   and    hi s   lips   are   pres sed    agains t   the

                side  of my hea d.
                    I   squee ze   my   ey es    shu t   and    fina lly   let    the   tea rs   fall.   I’ve   cried    so
                many   tears  for  R yle  over  the    past  two  days,  I  ha ve  no   idea   ho w  I  still
                ha ve   any    lef t   for   Atlas.   But   I   do,   bec ause   they ’re   falling    down   my
                cheek s like  rain.
                    “Lily,”  he  whi spers ,  still  ho lding   me  tight ly.  “I  kno w  thi s  is  the   last

                thi ng    you   need    to   hea r   right    no w.   But   I   ha ve   to   say   it   bec ause   I’ve
                walked     away   from    you   too   many    times    witho ut   saying    what   I   rea lly
                want  to say.”
                    He  pulls  back  to  look  down  at  me  and   when          he   sees   my  tea rs,  he
                bring s   hi s   ha nd s   up   to   my   cheek s.   “In   the   future  .   .   .   if   by   some
                miracle  you  ev er  find   yoursel f  in  the  position  to  fall  in  love  again      .  .  .
                fall  in  love  with  me. ”  He  pres ses   hi s  lips  agains t  my  forehea d.  “You’re

                still my favorite  pers on,  Lily. Always will be. ”
                    He  rel ea ses  me  and  walks away, no t ev en  need ing  a res pons e.
                    When     I  close  the  door  again,   I  slide  to  the  floor.  My  hea rt  feel s  like
                it  want s  to  give  up.  I  don’t  blame  it.  It’s  suffered   thro ugh  two  sep arate
                hea rtaches  in  the  course  of two days.
                    And   I  ha ve   a  feel ing   it’s  going  to  be   a  long   time   bef ore   ei ther   of

                tho se  hea rtaches  can  ev en  beg in  to hea l.
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