Page 251 - It Ends with Us
P. 251

Marsha ll kno ws wha t R yle  is asking  hi m. “I’m no t going  any where. ”

                    As  I  follow  R yle  int o  my  bed room,  I  wond er  wha t  tha t  must  be  like.
                To  have  no   idea   wha t  might   set   you  off  or  ho w  bad  your  rea ction  will
                be.  To ha ve  absolutel y no  control over  your own  em otions .
                    For  a  brief   moment ,  I  feel   a  minu scule  amount   of  sorro w  for  hi m.
                But   when     my   ey es    fall   to   our   bed    and    I   rem em ber   tha t   ni ght ,   my
                sorro w dimini shes  complet el y.

                    R yle  pushes  the  door  shu t, but does n’t close  it all the  way. He  looks
                like   he’s   aged    an   ent ire   yea r   in   the   two   mont hs    it’s   been   sinc e   I’ve
                seen    hi m.   The   bags   und er   hi s   ey es ,   the   furro wed    brow,   the   sunk en
                posture.  If reg ret  took hu man form, it would look ident ical to R yle.
                    His  ey es   fall  to  my  stomach  again  and   he  takes   a  slow  step   for ward.
                Then  ano ther.  He’s  cautious,  as  he  sho uld  be.   He  rea ches   out  a  timid
                ha nd , asking  for permi ssion  to touch  me.  I no d softly.

                    He   takes   one    more    step    for ward   and    then   places    a   stea dy   palm
                agains t my stomach.
                    I  can   feel   the   warmth   of  hi s  ha nd   thro ugh   my  shi rt,  and   my  ey es
                sna p   shu t.   Des pite   the   res ent ment    I’ve   built   up   in   my   hea rt   toward
                hi m,   it   does n’t   mea n   the   em otions    aren’ t   still   there.    Just   bec ause
                someo ne  hu rts you does n’t mea n  you can  simply stop loving  them . It’s

                no t  a  pers on’s  actions   tha t  hu rt  the  most.  It’s  the  love.   If  there  was  no
                love  attached  to the  action,  the  pain  would be  a little  ea sier  to bea r.
                    He   moves     hi s   ha nd    over   my   stomach   and    I   open   my   ey es   again.
                He’s  shaking   hi s  hea d,  like    he   can’t  proces s  wha t’s  ha ppeni ng   right
                no w. I watch  as he  slowly sink s to hi s knees  in  front  of me.
                    His  arms  sna ke  around   my  waist  and   he  pres ses   hi s  lips  agains t  my
                stomach.   He  clasps  hi s  ha nd s  around   my  lower         back  and   pres ses   hi s

                forehea d agains t me.
                    It’s  ha rd  to  des cribe  wha t  I  feel   for  hi m  in  thi s  moment .  Like  any
                mother  would  want   for  her  chi ld,  it’s  a  bea utiful  thi ng   to  see  the  love
                he   alrea dy  ha s.  It’s  been   ha rd  no t  sha ring   thi s  with  any one.   It’s  ha rd
                no t   bei ng    able   to   sha re   thi s   with   hi m,   no    matter    ho w   much
                res ent ment  I ho ld toward hi m. My ha nd s go to hi s ha ir  whi le  he  ho lds

                me  agains t  hi m.  Part  of  me  want s  to  screa m  at  hi m  and   call  the  police
                like  I  sho uld  ha ve  done  tha t  ni ght .  Part  of  me  feel s  for  tha t  little  boy
                who    hel d   hi s   brother   in   hi s   arms   and    watched    hi m   die.    Part   of   me
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