Page 256 - It Ends with Us
P. 256
Chapter Thirty-One
Mom: I miss you. When am I going to see you?
I stare at the tex t. It’s been two days sinc e R yle found out I’m
preg na nt . I kno w it’s time to tel l my mother. I’m no t ner vous about
tel ling her I’m preg na nt . The onl y thi ng tha t scares me is discussing
my situation with R yle with he r.
Me: Miss you, too. I’ll come over tomorrow afternoon. Can you make
As soon as I close out the tex t to her, I get ano ther inc oming tex t.
Allysa: Come upstairs and eat dinner with us tonight. It’s homemade pizza
I ha ven ’t been to Allysa’s in a few days. Sinc e bef ore R yle came
ho me. I’m no t sure where he’s staying , but I assume it’s with them .
The last thi ng I want right no w is to ha ve to be in the same apartment
as hi m.
Me: Who all will be there?
Allysa: Lily . . . I wouldn’t do that to you. He’s working until 8 tomorrow
morning. It’ll just be the three of us.
She kno ws me way too wel l. I tex t her back and tel l her I’ll come
over as soon as I fini sh up with work.
• • •
“Wha t do babies ea t at thi s age?”
We’re all sea ted around the table. R ylee was asleep when I got
here, but I woke her up so I could ho ld her. Allysa didn’t mind ; she
said she does n’t want her wide awake when she’s rea dy to go to bed .
“Brea st milk,” Marsha ll says with a mouthf ul. “But somet imes I stick
my fing er in my soda and put it in her mouth so she can taste it.”
“Marsha ll!” Allysa yel ls. “You bet ter be kidding .”