Page 256 - It Ends with Us
P. 256

Chapter Thirty-One

                    Mom: I miss you. When am I going to see you?

                I   stare   at   the   tex t.   It’s   been   two   days   sinc e   R yle   found    out   I’m
                preg na nt .  I  kno w  it’s  time  to  tel l  my  mother.  I’m  no t  ner vous  about
                tel ling   her   I’m  preg na nt .  The   onl y  thi ng   tha t  scares   me  is  discussing
                my situation  with  R yle  with  he r.
                    Me:   Miss   you,   too.   I’ll   come   over   tomorrow   afternoon.   Can   you   make

                    As soon  as I close  out the  tex t to her, I get  ano ther  inc oming  tex t.
                    Allysa:  Come  upstairs  and  eat  dinner  with  us  tonight.  It’s  homemade  pizza
                    I   ha ven ’t   been    to   Allysa’s   in   a   few    days.   Sinc e   bef ore   R yle   came
                ho me.   I’m  no t  sure    where    he’s  staying ,  but  I  assume     it’s  with   them .

                The  last thi ng  I want  right  no w is to ha ve  to be  in  the  same  apartment
                as hi m.
                    Me: Who all will be there?
                    Allysa:   Lily   .   .   .   I   wouldn’t   do   that   to   you.   He’s   working   until   8   tomorrow

                    morning. It’ll just be the three of us.
                    She   kno ws  me  way  too  wel l.  I  tex t  her   back  and   tel l  her   I’ll  come
                over  as soon  as I fini sh  up with work.

                                                           •  •  •

                “Wha t do babies  ea t at thi s age?”
                    We’re    all   sea ted    around    the    table.    R ylee   was   asleep    when   I   got
                here,   but  I  woke  her    up  so  I  could  ho ld  her.  Allysa  didn’t  mind ;  she
                said she  does n’t want  her  wide awake  when  she’s rea dy to go to bed .

                    “Brea st milk,”  Marsha ll says with  a mouthf ul. “But somet imes  I stick
                my fing er  in  my soda and  put it in  her  mouth  so she  can  taste  it.”
                    “Marsha ll!” Allysa yel ls. “You bet ter  be  kidding .”
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