Page 257 - It Ends with Us
P. 257
“Totally kidding ,” he says, although I can’t tel l if he rea lly is.
“But when do they start ea ting baby food?” I ask. I fig ure I need to
lea rn thi s stuff bef ore giving birth.
“Around four mont hs ,” Allysa says with a yawn. She drops her fork
and lea ns back in her cha ir, rubbing her ey es .
“You want me to keep her at my place toni ght so you guys can get a
full ni ght of sleep ?”
Allysa says, “No, it’s fine, ” at the same time Marsha ll says, “Tha t
would be awes ome. ”
I laugh. “Rea lly. I live right downs tairs. I don’t work tomorro w so if
I don’t get any sleep toni ght I can just sleep in tomorro w.”
Allysa looks like she’s cont em plating it for a moment . “I could
lea ve my cel l pho ne on in case you need me. ”
I look back down at R ylee and grin. “Did you hea r tha t? You get to
ha ve a sleep over with Aunt Lily!”
• • •
Wi th ev er ythi ng Allysa is thro wing in her diaper bag, it looks like I’m
about to take R ylee on a trip across the count ry. “She’l l let you kno w
when she’s hu ng ry. Don’t use the microwave to hea t the milk, just put
it in . . .”
“I kno w,” I int erru pt. “I’ve made her like fif ty bottles sinc e she’s
been alive. ”
Allysa nods and then walks over to her bed . She drops the diaper
bag down bes ide me. Marsha ll is in the living room feed ing R ylee one
last time, so Allysa lies down bes ide me on the bed whi le we wait. She
props her hea d up on her ha nd .
“Do you kno w wha t thi s mea ns ?” she asks.
“No. Wha t?”
“I get to ha ve sex toni ght . It’s been four mont hs .”
I crink le up my no se. “I didn’t need to kno w tha t.”
She laughs and falls down on her pillow, but then sits straight up.
“Shi t,” she says. “I sho uld probably sha ve my leg s. I thi nk it’s been
four mont hs sinc e I did tha t, too.”
I laugh, but then I gasp. My ha nd s move quickly to my stomach.
“Oh my God! I just fel t somet hing !”