Page 258 - It Ends with Us
P. 258

“Rea lly?”  Allysa puts her  ha nd  on  my stomach  and  we’re  both  quiet

                for  the  nex t fiv e  minu tes  as we  wait for  it to ha ppen  again.  It does , but
                it’s   so   soft,   it’s   almost   unno ticea ble.    I   laugh   again   as   soon   as   it
                ha ppens .
                    “I  didn’t  feel   any thi ng ,”  Allysa  says,  pouting .  “I  gues s  it’ll  be  a  few
                more  week s bef ore  you can  feel  it from the  outside,  tho ugh. Is thi s the
                firs t time  you fel t it move?”

                    “Yea h.   I’ve  been   scared   I  was  growing   the  lazies t  baby  in  hi story.”  I
                keep   my  ha nd s  on  my  stomach,   ho ping   to  feel   it  again.   We  sit  quiet ly
                for  a  few   more   minu tes ,  and   I  can’t  hel p  but  wish  my  circumstanc es
                were    different .   R yle   sho uld   be   here.    He   sho uld   be   the   one   sitting
                bes ide  me  with  hi s ha nd  on  my stomach.  Not Allysa.
                    The   tho ught   almost  takes   away  all  the     joy  I’m  feel ing .  Allysa  must
                no tice   bec ause    she   puts   one    of   her   ha nd s   on   mine   and    squeez es .

                When  I look at her, she  isn’t smiling  any more.
                    “Lily,” she  says. “I’ve  been  want ing  to say somet hi ng  to you.”
                    Oh,  God. I don’t like  the  sound of her  voice.
                    “Wha t is it?”
                    She  sighs  and   then    forces   a  gloomy  smile.   “I  kno w  you’re  sad  tha t
                you’re     going    thro ugh     thi s   witho ut   my   brother.     No    matter     ho w

                inv olved   he  is,  I  just  want   you  to  kno w  tha t  thi s  is  going   to  be  the  bes t
                thi ng   you’ve   ev er   ex peri enc ed  in   your   life.   You’re   gonna   be   a  grea t
                mom, Lily. Thi s baby is real ly lucky.”
                    I’m glad Allysa is the  onl y one  in  here  right  no w, bec ause  her  words
                make  me  laugh,  cry, and  sno t like  a ho rmona l teena ger. I hug her  and
                tel l   her    tha nk    you.   It’s   amazing    ho w   hea ring    tho se   words   gives    me
                back the  joy I was feel ing .

                    She  smiles   and   then    says,  “Now  go  get   my  baby  and   take  her  away
                from here  so I can  ha ve  some  sex  with  my fil thy  rich  hu sband .”
                    I  roll  off  the  bed   and   stand   up.  “You  sure  kno w  ho w  to  bring   lev ity
                int o a situation.  I’d say it’s your strong  point .”
                    She  smiles . “Tha t’s wha t I’m here  for. Now go away.”
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