Page 263 - It Ends with Us
P. 263

was  wea k  in  the  past,  but  she ’s  actually  one  of  the  strong est  women  I

                kno w.
                    “Mom?” I say, pulling  back. “I want  to be  you when  I grow up.”
                    She  laughs   and   brushes   the  hair  from  my  face.   I  can  see  in  the  way
                she   looks  at  me    tha t  she’d   trade   spots  with   me   in   a  hea rtbea t.  She’s
                feel ing    more    pain   for   me   in   thi s   moment    tha n   she   ev er   fel t   for
                hers el f. “I want  to tel l you somet hi ng ,” she  says.

                    She  rea ches  for my ha nd s again.
                    “The    day  you  gave    your   fathe r’s  eu logy?  I  kno w  you  didn’t  freez e
                up,  Lily.  You  stood  at  tha t  podium  and   ref used   to  say  a  sing le      good
                thi ng  about tha t man.  It was the  proudes t I ha ve  ev er  been  of you. You
                were    the   onl y   one   in   my   life   who    ev er   stood   up   for   me.    You   were
                strong  when  I was scared .”  A tea r  falls from her  ey e  when  she  says, “Be
                that  girl, Lily. Brave  and  bold.”
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