Page 265 - It Ends with Us
P. 265

the  trash  bag  I’m  ho lding   and   he  takes   it  from  my  ha nd s.  “Let   me  get

                thi s.”
                    I   let    hi m.   He   takes    tha t   bag   and    ano ther   one   down    to   the
                apartment      whi le   I   gather   my   thi ng s.   He   and    Marsha ll   are   walking
                back ins ide  the  apartment  as I’m prep aring  to walk out.
                    R yle  grabs  the  last  bag  of  stuff  and   beg ins   to  hea d  toward  the  front
                door  again.  I’m following  behi nd  hi m when  Marsha ll gives  me  a silent

                look, asking  me if I’m okay with  R yle  going  downs tairs with me.  I no d.
                I  can’t  keep   avoiding   R yle  forev er,  so  no w  is  as  good  a  time  as  any   to
                discuss where  we  go from here .
                    It’s   onl y   a   few    floors   bet ween    thei r   apartment    and    mine,    but   the
                el ev ator   ride   down   with   R yle   feel s   like   the   long es t   it’s   ev er   taken.    I
                catch  hi m  staring   at  my  stomach  a  couple  of  times   and   it  makes   me
                wond er     ho w   it   must   feel ,   going    three   mont hs    witho ut   seei ng    me

                preg na nt .
                    My  apartment   door  is  unl ocked ,  so  I  push  it  open        and   he   follows
                me  ins ide.   He  takes   the  last  of  the  stuff  to  the  nu rser y  and   I  can  hea r
                hi m  moving   thi ng s  around ,  openi ng   boxes .  I  stay  in  the     kitchen    and
                clea n  thing s  that  don’t  ev en  need   clea ni ng .  My  hea rt  is  in  my  thro at,
                kno wing     he’s   in   my   apartment .    I   don’t   feel    scared    of   hi m   in   thi s

                moment .  I  just  feel   ner vous.  I  want ed   to  be     more    prep ared   for   thi s
                conv ers ation  bec ause  I  absolutel y  ha te  conf ront ation.   But  I  kno w  we
                need   to  discuss  the  baby  and   our  future.   I  just  don’t  want   to.  Not  yet ,
                any way.
                    He    walks   down     the   ha llway   and    int o   the   kitchen.    I   catch   hi m
                looking   at  my  stomach  again.   He  glanc es   away  just  as  quickly.  “Do  you
                want  me  to assem ble  the  crib whi le  I’m here?”

                    I   sho uld   probably   say   no ,   but   he’s   ha lf   res pons ible   for   the   chi ld
                growing  ins ide  of me.  If he’s going  to offer  phy sical labor  I’m going  to
                take  it,  no   matter  ho w  ang ry  I  still  am  at  hi m.  “Yea h.   Tha t  would  be  a
                big hel p.”
                    He  point s toward the  laund ry room. “Is my toolbox still in  there?”
                    I   no d   and    he   hea ds   toward     the    laund ry    room.     I   open    the

                ref rigera tor   and    face   it   so   I   don’t   ha ve   to   watch   hi m   walk   back
                thro ugh    the   kitchen.   When     he’s  fina lly  in   the   nu rser y  again,   I  close
                the  ref rigera tor  and   pres s  my  forehea d  agains t  it  as  I  grip  the  ha nd le.
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