Page 260 - It Ends with Us
P. 260

rea sons .   I’m   no t   wea ring    a   materni ty   shi rt   but   my   bump   is   almost

                impossible  to hi de  witho ut a jacket . Espec ially from a mothe r.
                    “Hey, sweet ie! ” she  says.
                    I   walk   int o   the   kitchen   and    give   her   a   side   hu g   whi le   she   layers
                chees e  over  the  top of the  lasagna . Onc e  the  lasagna  is in  the  oven,  we
                walk  over  to  the  dini ng   room  table  and   take  a  sea t.  She  lea ns   back  in
                her  cha ir and  takes  a sip from a glass of tea .

                    She’s   smiling .   I   ha te   it   ev en   more   tha t   she   looks   so   ha ppy   right
                no w.
                    “Lily,” she  says. “There’ s somet hi ng  I need  to tel l you.”
                    I   don’t   like   thi s.   I   was   coming    over   here   to   talk   to   he r.   I’m   no t
                prep ared  to receive a talk.
                    “Wha t is it?” I ask hes itant ly.
                    She  grips her  glass of tea  with  both  ha nd s. “I’m seei ng  someo ne. ”

                    My mouth  drops open.
                    “Rea lly?”  I  ask,  sha king   my  he ad.  “Tha t’s  .  .  .”  I’m  about  to  say  good,
                but then  I grow ins tant ly worried  tha t she’s just put hers el f in  a similar
                situation  she  was  in  with  my  father.  She  can  see  the  worr y  on  my  face,
                so she  grabs my ha nd s in  both of hers .
                    “He’s good, Lily. He’s so good. I promise. ”

                    Rel ief   washes   over  me  in  an  ins tant ,  bec ause  I  can  see  she’s  tel ling
                the   truth.    I   can   see   the   ha ppines s   in   her   ey es .   “Wow,”   I   say,   no t
                ex pec ting  thi s at all. “I’m ha ppy for you. When  can  I meet  hi m?”
                    “Toni ght ,  if  you  want ,”  she   says.  “I  can  inv ite  hi m  over   to  ea t  with
                    I sha ke  my hea d. “No,” I whi sper. “Now’s no t a good time. ”
                    Her  ha nd s squeez e  around  mine  as soon  as she  rea lizes  I’m here  to

                tel l  her   somet hing   important .  I  start  with  the  bet ter  part  of  the  new s
                firs t.
                    I   stand    up   and   remo ve    my    jacket .   At   firs t,   she   does n’t   thi nk
                any thi ng   of  it.  She   just  assumes   I’m  making   mysel f  comfortable.   But
                then    I   take   one   of   her   ha nds   and    I   pres s   it   agains t   my   stomach.
                “You’re  gonna  be  a grand ma.”

                    Her   ey es  widen    and   for  sev era l  sec ond s,  she’s  stunned   speec hl es s.
                But  the n  tea rs  beg in  to  form.  She  jumps  up  and   pulls  me  int o  a  hu g.
                “Lily!”  she   says.  “Oh    my  God!”  She     pulls  back,  smiling .  “Tha t  was  so
                fast. Were  you trying ? You ha ven’t ev en  been  marri ed  for very long .”
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