Page 264 - It Ends with Us
P. 264
Chapter Thirty-Three
“Wha t am I going to do with three car sea ts?”
I’m sitting on Allysa’s couch, staring at all the stuff. She threw me a
baby shower today. My mother came. R yle’s mother ev en flew in for it,
but she’s in the gues t room sleep ing off her jet lag no w. The girls
from the floral sho p came and a few friend s from my old job. Even
Dev in came. It was actually a lot of fun, des pite the fact tha t I’ve been
drea ding it for the past sev era l week s.
“Tha t’s why I told you to start a reg istry, so no ne of the gifts would
be duplicated ,” Allysa says.
I sigh. “I gues s I can ha ve Mom ret urn hers . She’s bought me
eno ugh stuff as it is.”
I stand up and start gatheri ng all the gifts. Marsha ll alrea dy said
he’d hel p me carr y them down to my apartment , so Allysa hel ps me
thro w ever ythi ng ins ide trash bags. I ho ld them open whi le she picks
ev er ythi ng up from the floor. I’m almost thi rty week s preg na nt no w,
so she does n’t get the ea sier job of ho lding open the trash.
We ha ve ev er ythi ng bagged up and Marsha ll is on hi s sec ond trip
down to my apartment when I open Allysa’s front door, prep ared to
drag a trash bag full of gifts to the el ev ator. Wha t I’m no t prep ared for
is R yle, who is stand ing on the other side of the door looking back at
me. We both look eq ually as sho cked to see ea ch other, cons ideri ng
we ha ven’t spoken sinc e our fight three mont hs ago.
Thi s enc ount er was bound to ha ppen, tho ugh. I can’t be bes t
friend s with my hu sband ’s sister and live in the same building as hi m
witho ut ev ent ually runni ng into hi m.
I’m sure he knew I was ha ving the sho wer today sinc e hi s mother
flew in for it, but he still looks a little surprised when he sees all the
stuff behi nd me. It makes me wond er if hi m sho wing up just as I’m
lea ving is a coinc idenc e or a suitable conv eni enc e. He looks down at