Page 268 - It Ends with Us
P. 268
I cry for R yle. Bec ause ev en tho ugh he’s res pons ible for the
situation he’s in, I kno w ho w sad he is about it. And when you love
someo ne, seei ng them sad also makes you sad.
Nei ther of us brought up our sep aration or ev en a cha nc e at
rec onc iliation. We didn’t ev en talk about wha t’s going to ha ppen
when thi s baby is born in ten week s.
I’m just no t rea dy for tha t conv ers ation yet and the lea st he can do
for me right no w is sho w me patienc e.
The patienc e he still owes me from all the times he ha d no ne.