Page 274 - It Ends with Us
P. 274

Chapter Thirty-Five

                I smel l toast.
                    I  stret ch  out  on  my  bed   and   smile,   bec ause  R yle  kno ws  toast  is  my
                favorite.   I  lie  here   for  a  whi le  bef ore  I  ev en  attem pt  to  get   up.  It  feel s
                like  it  takes   the  ef fort  of  three  men  to  roll  me  out  of  bed .  I  ev ent ually

                take   a   deep    brea th,    and    then   thro w   my   feet    over   the   side,    pushi ng
                mysel f up from the  mattres s.
                    The   firs t  thi ng   I  do  is  pee.   It’s  rea lly  all  I  do  no w.  I’m  due  in  two
                days  and   my  doctor  says  it  could  be  ano ther  week .  I  started   materni ty
                lea ve  last week , so thi s is my life  right  no w. I pee  and  watch  TV.

                    When     I  make  it  to  the  kitche n,   R yle  is  stirri ng   a  pan  of  scrambled
                eg gs.  He  spins   around   when       he   hea rs  me  walk  in.   “Good  morni ng ,”
                he  says. “No baby yet ?”
                    I  sha ke  my  hea d  and   put  my  hand   on  my  stomach.   “No,  but  I  peed
                ni ne  times  last ni ght .”
                    R yle   laughs .   “Tha t’s   a   new    rec ord.”   He   spoons    some   eg gs   ont o   a
                plate   and    then   tosses    bacon   and    toast   on   it.   He   turns    around    and

                ha nd s  me    the   plate,   pres sing   a  quick  kiss  to  the   side   of  my  hea d.  “I
                gotta go. I’m alrea dy late.  I’m lea ving  my pho ne  on  all day.”
                    I  smi le  when  I  look  down  at  my  brea kfast.  Ok ay,  so  I  eat ,  too.  Pee,  eat ,
                an d  wat ch  TV.
                    “Tha nk  you,”  I say cheer fully. I take  my plate  to the  couch  and  turn
                on  the  TV. R yle  rushes  around  the  living  room, gatheri ng  hi s stuff.

                    “I’ll  come  chec k  on  you  at  lunc h.   I  might   be  working   late  toni ght ,
                but Allysa said she  can  bring  you dinner.”
                    I  roll  my  ey es .  “I’m  fine,  R yle.   The   doctor   said  light   bed   res t,  no t
                complet e  deb ilitation. ”
                    He  starts  to  open     the   door,  but  pauses   like  he   forget s  somet hi ng .
                He    runs    back   toward    me   and    lea ns    down,    plant ing    hi s   lips   on   my
                stomach.  “I’ll double  your  allowanc e  if you dec ide  to come  out today,”

                he  says to the  baby.
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