Page 275 - It Ends with Us
P. 275
He talks to the baby a lot. I fina lly fel t comfortable eno ugh to let
hi m feel the baby kick a couple of week s ago and sinc e then, he stops
by somet imes just to talk to my bel ly and does n’t ev en say much to
me. I like it, tho ugh. I like ho w ex cited he is to be a father.
I grab the blank et R yle slep t on the couch with last ni ght and wrap
it over me. He’s been staying here for a week no w, waiting for me to
go int o labor. I wasn’t sure about the arra ng em ent at firs t, but it’s
actually been rea lly hel pful. I still sleep in the gues t bed room. The
thi rd bed room is no w a nu rser y, whi ch mea ns the master bed room is
available for hi m to sleep in. But for wha tev er rea son, he cho oses to
sleep on the couch. I thi nk the mem ories in tha t bed room plague
hi m just as much as they plague me, so nei ther of us ev en bothers
going in there.
The last sev era l week s ha ve been rea lly good. Aside from the fact
tha t there’ s absolutel y no phy sical rel ations hi p bet ween us at thi s
point , thi ng s feel like they ’ve kind of gone back to ho w they used to
be. He still works a lot, but on the ev eni ng s he’s off, I’ve started
ha ving dinner upstairs with all of them. We nev er ea t alone as a
couple, tho ugh. Any thi ng that might feel like a date or a couples
thi ng , I avoid. I’m still trying to focus on one monu ment al thi ng at a
time, and unt il thi s baby is born and my ho rmones are back to
no rmal, I ref use to make a decision about my marri age. I’m sure I’m
just using the preg na nc y as an ex cuse to stall the inev itable, but bei ng
preg na nt allows a pers on to be a little sel fis h.
My pho ne beg ins to ring , and I drop my hea d int o the couch and
groan. My pho ne is all the way in the kitchen. Tha t’s like fif teen feet
from here.
I push mysel f off the couch, but no thi ng ha ppens .
I try it again. Still sitting.
I grab hold of the arm of my cha ir and pull mysel f up. Thi rd time’s
the char m.
When I stand , my glass of water spills all over me. I groan . . . but
then I gasp.
I was n’t ho ldi ng a glas s of wat er.
Holy shi t.