Page 10 - Demo
P. 10

                                    Elklan. Speech and Language Support for 3-5s%u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023 8S1 1.9.0. IMPACT%u2022 Draw attention to the learning impact and the behaviour, social and emotional impact circles on the Venn diagram. %u2022 As a whole group discuss what impact this problem might have on the child%u2019s learning?%u2022 Discuss as a whole group, what impact this problem might have on the child%u2019s behaviour, social and emotional development? %u2022 Add these ideas to the Venn diagram.%u2022 Please note: Only write the impacts on your version on the flip chart. This is important because learners will complete this exercise as a Learning Log task using a child they know. If you include strategies to help Ethan, learners may refer to your example when they prepare their Learning Log assignment and therefore include strategies. They will then be told (through the marking) not to include strategies. This could be very confusing so early in their Learning Log work.1.10.0 REPEAT SECTIONS 1.8.0 - 1.9.0 WITH THE OTHER VIDEO CLIP(Slide 10)1.11.0 FUTURE SESSIONS%u2022 Explain that during this session we have introduced the Communication Chain and have thought about how we can use this to identify individual children%u2019s communication achievements and challenges. During the rest of the course we will explore the:o Different aspects of the Communication Chain.o Relevant patterns of development within each area.o Strategies to support children.o How each aspect links to Communication Friendly Settings.o How to support families with the different aspects.o How to support children learning additional languages.
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